Nagesh Shukla
Nagesh Shukla
Associate Professor
Підтверджена електронна адреса в griffith.edu.au
COVID-19 Detection through Transfer Learning using Multimodal Imaging Data
Horry, Chakraborty, Paul, Ulhaq, Pradhan, Saha, Shukla
IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3016780., 2020
Big data analytics and application for logistics and supply chain management
K Govindan, TCE Cheng, N Mishra, N Shukla
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 114, 343-349, 2018
Social media data analytics to improve supply chain management in food industries
A Singh, N Shukla, N Mishra
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Reviews, 2018
Deep learning approaches applied to remote sensing datasets for road extraction: A state-of-the-art review
A Abdollahi, B Pradhan, N Shukla, S Chakraborty, A Alamri
Remote Sensing 12 (9), 1444, 2020
Barriers to big data analytics in manufacturing supply chains: A case study from Bangladesh
MA Moktadir, SM Ali, SK Paul, N Shukla
Computers & Industrial Engineering 128, 1063-1075, 2019
Extending the supply chain to address sustainability
F Taghikhah, A Voinov, N Shukla
Journal of cleaner production 229, 652-666, 2019
Deep learning and explainable artificial intelligence techniques applied for detecting money laundering–a critical review
DV Kute, B Pradhan, N Shukla, A Alamri
IEEE access 9, 82300-82317, 2021
Cloud computing technology: Reducing carbon footprint in beef supply chain
A Singh, N Mishra, SI Ali, N Shukla, R Shankar
International Journal of Production Economics 164, 462-471, 2015
An agent-based model for supply chain recovery in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic
T Rahman, F Taghikhah, SK Paul, N Shukla, R Agarwal
Computers & Industrial Engineering 158, 107401, 2021
Breast cancer data analysis for survivability studies and prediction
N Shukla, M Hagenbuchner, KT Win, J Yang
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2018
Integrated modeling of extended agro-food supply chains: A systems approach
F Taghikhah, A Voinov, N Shukla, T Filatova, M Anufriev
European Journal of Operational Research, 2020
Supply chain resilience initiatives and strategies: A systematic review
T Rahman, SK Paul, N Shukla, R Agarwal, F Taghikhah
Computers & Industrial Engineering 170, 108317, 2022
X-Ray Image based COVID-19 Detection using Pre-trained Deep Learning Models
MJ Horry, S Chakraborty, M Paul, A Ulhaq, B Pradhan, M Saha, N Shukla
engrXiv, 2020
Accurate range estimation for an electric vehicle including changing environmental conditions and traction system efficiency
K Sarrafan, D Sutanto, KM Muttaqi, G Town
IET Electrical Systems in Transportation 7 (2), 117-124, 2017
Sentiment analysis of customer reviews of food delivery services using deep learning and explainable artificial intelligence: Systematic review
A Adak, B Pradhan, N Shukla
Foods 11 (10), 1500, 2022
Shifts in consumer behavior towards organic products: theory-driven data analytics
F Taghikhah, A Voinov, N Shukla, T Filatova
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2021
Sustainable supply chain management and multi-criteria decision-making methods: A systematic review
A Paul, N Shukla, SK Paul, A Trianni
Sustainability 13 (13), 7104, 2021
Modeling of CO emissions from traffic vehicles using artificial neural networks
OS Azeez, B Pradhan, HZM Shafri, N Shukla, CW Lee, HM Rizeei
Applied Sciences 9 (2), 313, 2019
Genetic-algorithms-based algorithm portfolio for inventory routing problem with stochastic demand
N Shukla, MK Tiwari, D Ceglarek
International Journal of Production Research 51 (1), 118-137, 2013
Exploring consumer behavior and policy options in organic food adoption: Insights from the Australian wine sector
F Taghikhah, A Voinov, N Shukla, T Filatova
Environmental Science & Policy 109, Pages 116-124, 2020
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