Eliakira Kisetu Nassary
Eliakira Kisetu Nassary
Lecturer, Sokoine University of Agriculture
Підтверджена електронна адреса в sua.ac.tz - Домашня сторінка
Productivity of intercropping with maize and common bean over five cropping seasons on smallholder farms of Tanzania
EK Nassary, F Baijukya, PA Ndakidemi
European Journal of Agronomy 113 (125964), 1-10, 2020
Exploring urban green packages as part of Nature-based Solutions for climate change adaptation measures in rapidly growing cities of the Global South
EK Nassary, BH Msomba, WE Masele, PM Ndaki, CA Kahangwa
Journal of Environmental Management 310, 114786, 2022
Assessing the Productivity of Common Bean in Intercrop with Maize across Agro-Ecological Zones of Smallholder Farms in the Northern Highlands of Tanzania
EK Nassary, F Baijukya, PA Ndakidemi
Agriculture 10 (117), 1-15, 2020
Determination of land productivity under maize-cowpea intercropping system in agro-ecological zone of mount Uluguru in Morogoro, Tanzania.
BT Nyasasi, E Kisetu
Global Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2014
Intensification of common bean and maize production through rotations to improve food security for smallholder farmers
EK Nassary, F Baijukya, PA Ndakidemi
Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 2 (100040), 1-8, 2020
Sustainable Intensification of Grain Legumes Optimizes Food Security on Smallholder Farms in Sub-Saharan Africa–A Review
EK Nassary, F Baijukya, PA Ndakidemi
Response of Irish potato to NPK fertilizer application and its economic return when grown on an Ultisol of Morogoro, Tanzania
H Shaaban, E Kisetu
Scienceweb Publishing, 2014
Assessing phytoremediation potentials of selected plant species in restoration of environments contaminated by heavy metals in gold mining areas of Tanzania
CA Kahangwa, CL Nahonyo, G Sangu, EK Nassary
Heliyon 7 (9), 2021
Unravelling disposal benefits derived from underutilized brewing spent products in Tanzania
EK Nassary, ER Nasolwa
Journal of Environmental Management 242, 430–439, 2019
Effect of in situ soil water harvesting techniques and local plant nutrient sources on grain yield of drought-resistant sorghum varieties in semi-arid zone, Tanzania
M Kilasara, ME Boa, EY Swai, KP Sibuga, BHJ Massawe, E Kisetu
Sustainable Intensification to Advance Food Security and Enhance Climate …, 2015
Effects of poultry manure and NPK (23: 10: 5) fertilizer on tomato variety tanya grown on selected soil of Morogoro region, Tanzania.
E Kisetu, P Heri
Response of Green Gram (J'igna radiata L.) to an Application of Minjingu Mazao Fertilizer Grown on Olasiti Soils from Minjingu-Inanyara, Tanzania
E Kisetu, CNM Teveli
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 16 (22), 1601-1604, 2013
Effect of cropping systems on infestation and severity of field insect pests of cowpea in Morogoro, Tanzania
E Kisetu, BT Nyasasi, M Nyika
Modern Res. J. Agric 1 (1), 1-9, 2014
Incorporating pigeon pea compost with Minjingu fertilizer brands to determine their effects on maize production in Morogoro, Tanzania
E Kisetu, ZS Mtakimwa
World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2013
Use of predictive screening parameters in selected common bean genotypes to assess their salt tolerance ability using NaCl concentration
E Kisetu, SA Silayo, GS Tsere
Adv. J. Agric. Res 1 (4), 51-60, 2013
Harnessing the potential of sugarcane-based liquid byproducts—molasses and spentwash (vinasse) for enhanced soil health and environmental quality. A systematic review
GS Stephen, MJ Shitindi, MD Bura, CA Kahangwa, EK Nassary
Frontiers in Agronomy 6, 1358076, 2024
Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on performance of maize planted at the varying soil depths.
E Kisetu, S Lily, WJ Temba, AP Rwebangila
Determination of urea-N levels application to Nerica-4 cultivar of rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown on soils of Dakawa Morogoro, Tanzania
E Kisetu, J Kasian, ZS Mtakimwa
Access International Journal of Agricultural Sciences 1 (6), 2013
Effects of poultry and goat manures to cowpea variety Vuli-1 grown on a highly weathered soil in Morogoro, Tanzania
E Kisetu, SP Assenga
Unique Res. J. Agric. Sci 1 (3), 028-034, 2013
Unexplored agronomic, socioeconomic and policy domains for sustainable cotton production on small landholdings: a systematic review
JS Tlatlaa, GM Tryphone, EK Nassary
Frontiers in Agronomy 5, 1281043, 2023
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