Christos Ordoudis
An Updated Version of the IEEE RTS 24-Bus System for Electricity Market and Power System Operation Studies
C Ordoudis, P Pinson, JM Morales, M Zugno
Technical University of Denmark, 2016
An integrated market for electricity and natural gas systems with stochastic power producers
C Ordoudis, P Pinson, JM Morales
European Journal of Operational Research 272 (2), 642-654, 2019
Towards fully renewable energy systems: Experience and trends in Denmark
P Pinson, L Mitridati, C Ordoudis, J Østergaard
CSEE journal of power and energy systems 3 (1), 26-35, 2017
Energy and reserve dispatch with distributionally robust joint chance constraints
C Ordoudis, VA Nguyen, D Kuhn, P Pinson
Operations Research Letters 49 (3), 291-299, 2021
Wasserstein distributionally robust chance-constrained optimization for energy and reserve dispatch: An exact and physically-bounded formulation
A Arrigo, C Ordoudis, J Kazempour, Z De Grève, JF Toubeau, F Vallée
European Journal of Operational Research 296 (1), 304-322, 2022
Distributionally robust chance-constrained generation expansion planning
F Pourahmadi, J Kazempour, C Ordoudis, P Pinson, SH Hosseini
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (4), 2888-2903, 2019
Coordination of power and natural gas systems: Convexification approaches for linepack modeling
A Schwele, C Ordoudis, J Kazempour, P Pinson
2019 IEEE milan powertech, 1-6, 2019
Market-based coordination of integrated electricity and natural gas systems under uncertain supply
C Ordoudis, S Delikaraoglou, J Kazempour, P Pinson
European Journal of Operational Research 287 (3), 1105-1119, 2020
Price-maker wind power producer participating in a joint day-ahead and real-time market
S Delikaraoglou, A Papakonstantinou, C Ordoudis, P Pinson
2015 12th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 1-5, 2015
Exploiting flexibility in coupled electricity and natural gas markets: A price-based approach
C Ordoudis, S Delikaraoglou, P Pinson, J Kazempour
2017 IEEE Manchester PowerTech, 1-6, 2017
Stochastic unit commitment via progressive hedging—extensive analysis of solution methods
C Ordoudis, P Pinson, M Zugno, JM Morales
2015 IEEE Eindhoven PowerTech, 1-6, 2015
Optimal power flow under uncertainty: An extensive out-of-sample analysis
A Arrigo, C Ordoudis, J Kazempour, Z De Grève, JF Toubeau, F Vallée
2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), 1-5, 2019
Coordination of power and natural gas markets via financial instruments
A Schwele, C Ordoudis, P Pinson, J Kazempour
Computational Management Science 18 (4), 505-538, 2021
Market-based approaches for the coordinated operation of electricity and natural gas systems
C Ordoudis
Technical University of Denmark, 2018
Impact of renewable energy forecast imperfections on market-clearing outcomes
C Ordoudis, P Pinson
2016 IEEE international energy conference (ENERGYCON), 1-6, 2016
Coupled Electricity and Natural Gas Markets: Exploiting Flexibility in Coupled Electricity and Natural Gas Markets: A PriceBased Approach
C Ordoudis, S Delikaraoglou, P Pinson, J Kazempour
Integrated Market for Electricity and Natural Gas: an integrated market for electricity and natural gas systems with stochastic power producers
C Ordoudis, P Pinson, JM Morales
Stochastic Integrated Market for Electric Power and Natural Gas Systems
C Ordoudis, P Pinson, JMM González
3rd General Consortium Meeting of the CITIES project, 2016
Renewables in Electricity Markets
C Ordoudis, A Papakonstantinou, P Pinson
DTU Sustain Conference 2014, 2014
A Technical Survey on Optimal Power Flow Under Uncertainty: An Extensive Out-of-Sample Analysis
A Arrigo, C Ordoudis, J Kazempour, Z De Grève, JF Toubeau, F Vallée
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