Tobias P. Ring
Tobias P. Ring
PostDoc, Institute for Acoustics, TU Braunschweig
Підтверджена електронна адреса в tu-braunschweig.de
Design and Additive Manufacturing of Porous Sound Absorbers—A Machine-Learning Approach. Materials 2021, 14, 1747
S Kuschmitz, TP Ring, H Watschke, SC Langer, T Vietor
s Note: MDPI stays neu-tral with regard to jurisdictional clai-ms in …, 2021
Aircraft noise assessment—from single components to large scenarios
J Delfs, L Bertsch, C Zellmann, L Rossian, E Kian Far, T Ring, SC Langer
Energies 11 (2), 429, 2018
Sound quality assessment of a medium-range aircraft with enhanced fan-noise shielding design
G Felix Greco, L Bertsch, TP Ring, SC Langer
CEAS Aeronautical Journal 12 (3), 481-493, 2021
Design, experimental and numerical characterization of 3D-printed porous absorbers
TP Ring, SC Langer
Materials 12 (20), 3397, 2019
Neurotransmitter-mediated activity spatially controls neuronal migration in the zebrafish cerebellum
U Theisen, C Hennig, T Ring, R Schnabel, RW Köster
PLoS biology 16 (1), e2002226, 2018
Microtubules and motor proteins support zebrafish neuronal migration by directing cargo
U Theisen, AU Ernst, RLS Heyne, TP Ring, O Thorn-Seshold, RW Köster
Journal of cell biology 219 (10), 2020
The impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the air traffic noise at the Hannover airport region
G Felix Greco, S Mysore Guruprasad, TP Ring, SC Langer
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 152 (3), 1564-1572, 2022
Additive Fertigung und Charakterisierung akustisch wirksamer Materialien
TP Ring, S Kuschmitz, H Watschke, T Vietor, SC Langer
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2018, 2018
Vergleich der Verfahren A und B zur Messung des Strömungswiderstandes gemäß EN 29053:1993
TP Ring, C Morgenstern, SC Langer
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2017, 2017
Investigation of the applicability of recurrent neural networks for structural health monitoring in the frequency domain
L Outzen, TP Ring, SC Langer
InterNoise222, 2022
Effiziente Unsicherheitsquantifizierung in der Akustik mittels eines Multi-Modell-Verfahrens
TP Ring
Shaker, 2020
On the Relationship of the Acoustic Properties and the Microscale Geometry of Generic Porous Absorbers
TP Ring, SC Langer
Applied Siences 12 (21), 1066, 2022
Environmental Noise Assessment of Holding Approach Procedures Using a Multi-Level Simulation Framework
G Felix Greco, B Yildiz, J Göing, TP Ring, T Feuerle, P Hecker, SC Langer
Aerospace 9 (10), 544, 2022
A comparative study of semi-empirical noise emission models based on the PANAM and sonAIR aircraft noise simulation tools
GF Greco, F Wienke, L Bertsch, C Zellmann, B Schäffer, TP Ring, ...
InterNoise22, 2022
Sound Quality Assessment of a Novel Medium-range Aircraft in the Context of a Sustainable and Energy Efficient Aviation
GF Greco, L Bertsch, TP Ring, SC Langer
Messung des Strömungswiderstandes poröser Materialien—Messverfahren und deren Unsicherheit
T Ring, C Morgenstern, SC Langer
Motor-und Aggregate-Akustik 10, 2018
Investigations of the flow resistance of geometries with direction-dependent properties using numerical methods
T Ring, SC Langer
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 255 (6), 1571-1580, 2017
Entwicklung, Charakterisierung und Anwendung von Luftschallabsorbern aus Schafwolle zur Verbesserung der Raumakustik eines Institutsgebäudes
B Bratz, TP Ring, F Köbberling, SC Langer
AB Nagy, J. Delfs and GJ Bennett, Aeroacoustics research in Europe: The CEAS-ASC report on 2020 & 2021 highlights, Contribution: Sound quality assessment of novel aircraft concepts
GF Greco, L Bertsch, TP Ring, SC Langer
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 15-15, 2022
Assessing the environmental noise of next-generation regional jet aircraft concepts in a generic airport scenario
GF Greco, F Wienke, L Bertsch, TP Ring, SC Langer
24th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA), 2022
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