Rosa, Michel
Rosa, Michel
Universidade de Brasília
Підтверджена електронна адреса в unieuro.com.br
Computational resource and cost prediction service for scientific workflows in federated clouds
MJF Rosa, CG Ralha, M Holanda, APF Araujo
Future Generation Computer Systems 125, 844-858, 2021
Monitoring fog computing: A review, taxonomy and open challenges
B Costa, J Bachiega Jr, LR Carvalho, M Rosa, A Araujo
Computer Networks 215, 109189, 2022
Bionimbuz: A federated cloud platform for bioinformatics applications
M Rosa, B Moura, G Vergara, L Santos, E Ribeiro, M Holanda, ME Walter, ...
2016 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM …, 2016
Cost and time prediction for efficient execution of bioinformatics workflows in federated cloud
MJF Rosa, APF Araüjo, FLS Mendes
2018 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM …, 2018
Bionimbuz: a federated cloud platform for bioinformatics applications
A Araújo, M Rosa, B Moura, G Vergara, M Holanda, ME Walter
International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics 18 (2), 144-163, 2017
MAS-Cloud+: A novel multi-agent architecture with reasoning models for resource management in multiple providers
AHD Mendes, MJF Rosa, MA Marotta, A Araujo, ACMA Melo, CG Ralha
Future Generation Computer Systems 154, 16-34, 2024
Comparison of faas platform performance in private clouds
MAC Motta, LR Carvalho, MJF Rosa, APF Araujo
Proceedings of the 12th CLOSER, 109-120, 2022
Software Educativo para Auxiliar no Processo Ensino/Aprendizagem de Matemática nas APAEs
MJF Rosa, AZ Martinhago, RCD Reis, GAS Neto, CCA Sá
Congresso Internacional De Informática Educativa. Anais… Chile: Nuevas …, 2015
Predição de tempo e dimensionamento de recursos para workflows científicos em nuvens federadas
MJF Rosa
Computational resource allocation in fog computing: a comprehensive survey
J Bachiega Junior, BGS Costa, LR Carvalho, MJF Rosa, APF Araújo
the Association for Computing Machinery, 2023
Faciem-Microservice-based application for face recognition in mobile devices
MJF Rosa, JC Gomes, F de Barros Vidal, MV Lamar, C Koike, A Araujo
2022 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI …, 2022
Resource Prediction Service for Efficient Execution of Bioinformatics Workflows in Federated Cloud with Machine Learning
M Sobrinho, M Rosa, W Silva, A Araújo
2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM …, 2021
A Cost-Efficient Resource Allocation for Fog Computing with Users and Providers Perspective
J Bachiega Jr, B Costa, MJF Rosa, LR Carvalho, MA Marotta, A Araujo, ...
Arquitetura de Prediçao de Tempo e Custo com Alocaçao e Agendamento de Workflows Cientıficos em Sistemas de Computaçao Multi Cloud-Fog
MJF Rosa, APF Araújo
Mas-Cloud+: A Multi-Agent Architecture for Optimized Cloud Resource Management
AHD Mendes, MJF Rosa, MA Marotta, APF Araujo, ACMA Melo, ...
Available at SSRN 4218189, 0
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