Jana de Wiljes
Jana de Wiljes
Associate Research Scientist, University of Potsdam
Підтверджена електронна адреса в uni-potsdam.de - Домашня сторінка
Long-time stability and accuracy of the ensemble Kalman--Bucy filter for fully observed processes and small measurement noise
J de Wiljes, S Reich, W Stannat
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 17 (2), 1152-1181, 2018
Revisiting the identification of wintertime atmospheric circulation regimes in the Euro‐Atlantic sector
SKJ Falkena, J de Wiljes, A Weisheimer, TG Shepherd
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 146 (731), 2801-2814, 2020
Kalman filter and its modern extensions for the continuous-time nonlinear filtering problem
A Taghvaei, J De Wiljes, PG Mehta, S Reich
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 140 (3), 2018
Second-order accurate ensemble transform particle filters
W Acevedo, J de Wiljes, S Reich
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 39 (5), A1834-A1850, 2017
Reinforcement learning and Bayesian data assimilation for model‐informed precision dosing in oncology
C Maier, N Hartung, C Kloft, W Huisinga, J de Wiljes
CPT: pharmacometrics & systems pharmacology 10 (3), 241-254, 2021
Reconstructing regime-dependent causal relationships from observational time series
E Saggioro, J de Wiljes, M Kretschmer, J Runge
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 30 (11), 113115, 2020
Bayesian data assimilation to support informed decision making in individualized chemotherapy
C Maier, N Hartung, J de Wiljes, C Kloft, W Huisinga
CPT: pharmacometrics & systems pharmacology 9 (3), 153-164, 2020
Thermophysical modelling and parameter estimation of small Solar system bodies via data assimilation
M Hamm, I Pelivan, M Grott, J de Wiljes
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496 (3), 2776-2785, 2020
A continued learning approach for model-informed precision dosing: updating models in clinical practice
C Maier, J de Wiljes, N Hartung, C Kloft, W Huisinga
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.03752, 2021
An adaptive Markov chain Monte Carlo approach to time series clustering of processes with regime transition behavior
J De Wiljes, A Majda, I Horenko
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 11 (2), 415-441, 2013
Discrete nonhomogeneous and nonstationary logistic and Markov regression models for spatiotemporal data with unresolved external influences
J de Wiljes, L Putzig, I Horenko
Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science 9 (1), 1-46, 2014
Analysis of a localised nonlinear Ensemble Kalman Bucy Filter with complete and accurate observations
J de Wiljes, XT Tong
Nonlinearity 33 (9), 4752, 2020
Reconstructing the Dynamics of the Outer Electron Radiation Belt by Means of the Standard and Ensemble Kalman Filter With the VERB‐3D Code
AM Castillo Tibocha, J de Wiljes, YY Shprits, NA Aseev
Space Weather 19 (10), e2020SW002672, 2021
Randomised maximum likelihood based posterior sampling
Y Ba, J de Wiljes, DS Oliver, S Reich
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.03612, 2021
Ensemble transform algorithms for nonlinear smoothing problems
J de Wiljes, S Pathiraja, S Reich
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 42 (1), A87-A114, 2020
Fast hybrid tempered ensemble transform filter formulation for Bayesian elliptical problems via Sinkhorn approximation
S Ruchi, S Dubinkina, J De Wiljes
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 28 (1), 23-41, 2021
Application of ensemble transform data assimilation methods for parameter estimation in nonlinear problems
S Ruchi, S Dubinkina, J de Wiljes
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics Discussions 2020, 1-24, 2020
Interacting particle filters for simultaneous state and parameter estimation
A David, J de Wiljes, S Reich
arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.09199, 2017
Data-Driven Discrete Spatio-Temporal Models: Problems, Methods and an Arctic Sea Ice Application
J de Wiljes
Towards a Robust Detection of Interannual Ensemble Forecast Signals over the North Atlantic and Europe using Atmospheric Circulation Regimes
SKJ Falkena, J de Wiljes, A Weisheimer, TG Shepherd
EarthArXiv, 2021
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