Jian Shen
Jian Shen
Підтверджена електронна адреса в bit.edu.cn
Emotion recognition from multimodal physiological signals using a regularized deep fusion of kernel machine
X Zhang, J Liu, J Shen, S Li, K Hou, B Hu, J Gao, T Zhang
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 51 (9), 4386-4399, 2020
An improved empirical mode decomposition of electroencephalogram signals for depression detection
J Shen, X Zhang, G Wang, Z Ding, B Hu
IEEE transactions on affective computing 13 (1), 262-271, 2019
An optimal channel selection for EEG-based depression detection via kernel-target alignment
J Shen, X Zhang, X Huang, M Wu, J Gao, D Lu, Z Ding, B Hu
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 25 (7), 2545-2556, 2020
A novel depression detection method based on pervasive EEG and EEG splitting criterion
J Shen, S Zhao, Y Yao, Y Wang, L Feng
2017 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM …, 2017
Fusing of electroencephalogram and eye movement with group sparse canonical correlation analysis for anxiety detection
X Zhang, J Pan, J Shen, Z ud Din, J Li, D Lu, M Wu, B Hu
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 13 (2), 958-971, 2020
Multimodal depression detection: Fusion of electroencephalography and paralinguistic behaviors using a novel strategy for classifier ensemble
X Zhang, J Shen, Z ud Din, J Liu, G Wang, B Hu
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 23 (6), 2265-2275, 2019
Depression recognition from EEG signals using an adaptive channel fusion method via improved focal loss
J Shen, Y Zhang, H Liang, Z Zhao, K Zhu, K Qian, Q Dong, X Zhang, B Hu
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 27 (7), 3234-3245, 2023
Exploring the intrinsic features of EEG signals via empirical mode decomposition for depression recognition
J Shen, Y Zhang, H Liang, Z Zhao, Q Dong, K Qian, X Zhang, B Hu
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 31, 356-365, 2022
Effective brain network analysis with resting-state EEG data: a comparison between heroin abstinent and non-addicted subjects
B Hu, Q Dong, Y Hao, Q Zhao, J Shen, F Zheng
Journal of neural engineering 14 (4), 046002, 2017
Fatigue detection with covariance manifolds of electroencephalography in transportation industry
X Zhang, D Lu, J Pan, J Shen, M Wu, X Hu, B Hu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (5), 3497-3507, 2020
EEG-based depression detection using convolutional neural network with demographic attention mechanism
X Zhang, J Li, K Hou, B Hu, J Shen, J Pan
2020 42nd annual international conference of the ieee engineering in …, 2020
Individual similarity guided transfer modeling for EEG-based emotion recognition
X Zhang, W Liang, T Ding, J Pan, J Shen, X Huang, J Gao
2019 ieee international conference on bioinformatics and biomedicine (bibm …, 2019
Fundamentals of computational psychophysiology: theory and methodology
B Hu, J Shen, L Zhu, Q Dong, H Cai, K Qian
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 9 (2), 349-355, 2022
Depression detection using resting state three-channel EEG signal
Q Shi, A Liu, R Chen, J Shen, Q Zhao, B Hu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.09175, 2020
Network representation learning via improved random walk with restart
Y Zhang, J Shen, R Zhang, Z Zhao
Knowledge-Based Systems 263, 110255, 2023
Wearable EEG-based real-time system for depression monitoring
S Zhao, Q Zhao, X Zhang, H Peng, Z Yao, J Shen, Y Yao, H Jiang, B Hu
Brain Informatics: International Conference, BI 2017, Beijing, China …, 2017
A novel intelligence evaluation framework: exploring the psychophysiological patterns of gifted students
J Shen, K Zhu, Z Zhao, H Liang, Y Ma, K Qian, Y Zhang, Q Dong
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 11 (2), 2036-2045, 2023
The inverse problems for computational psychophysiology: Opinions and insights
B Hu, K Qian, Y Zhang, J Shen, BW Schuller
Cyborg and Bionic Systems, 2022
Emotion recognition from multimodal physiological signals via discriminative correlation fusion with a temporal alignment mechanism
K Hou, X Zhang, Y Yang, Q Zhao, W Yuan, Z Zhou, S Zhang, C Li, J Shen, ...
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 54 (5), 3079-3092, 2023
Risk prediction of Alzheimer’s disease conversion in mild cognitive impaired population based on brain age estimation
W Liu, Q Dong, S Sun, J Shen, K Qian, B Hu
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 31, 2468-2476, 2023
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