Anna-Helena Klarare
Anna-Helena Klarare
Інші іменаAnna Klarare, Anna Klarare Ljungberg
Associate professor
Підтверджена електронна адреса в bc.edu - Домашня сторінка
Homeless persons' experiences of health‐and social care: A systematic integrative review
P Omerov, ÅG Craftman, E Mattsson, A Klarare
Health & social care in the community 28 (1), 1-11, 2020
Patients’ experiences of telehealth in palliative home care: scoping review
SA Steindal, AAG Nes, TE Godskesen, A Dihle, S Lind, A Winger, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 22 (5), e16218, 2020
Team interactions in specialized palliative care teams: a qualitative study
A Klarare, CL Hagelin, CJ Fürst, B Fossum
Journal of palliative medicine 16 (9), 1062-1069, 2013
Experiences of security and continuity of care: Patients' and families' narratives about the work of specialized palliative home care teams
A Klarare, BH Rasmussen, B Fossum, CJ Fürst, J Hansson, CL Hagelin
Palliative & supportive care 15 (2), 181-189, 2017
Patients’ experiences of eHealth in palliative care: an integrative review
C Widberg, B Wiklund, A Klarare
BMC palliative care 19, 1-14, 2020
Actions helping expressed or anticipated needs: Patients with advanced cancer and their family caregivers’ experiences of specialist palliative home care teams
A Klarare, BH Rasmussen, B Fossum, J Hansson, CJ Fürst, ...
European journal of cancer care 27 (6), e12948, 2018
Translation and cultural adaptation of the Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale including cognitive interviewing with patients and staff
I Beck, U Olsson Möller, M Malmström, A Klarare, H Samuelsson, ...
BMC Palliative Care 16, 1-10, 2017
“Stripped of dignity”–Women in homelessness and their perspectives of healthcare services: A qualitative study
Å Kneck, E Mattsson, M Salzmann-Erikson, A Klarare
International Journal of Nursing Studies 120, 103974, 2021
Advantages and challenges of using telehealth for home-based palliative care: systematic mixed studies review
SA Steindal, AAG Nes, TE Godskesen, H Holmen, A Winger, J Österlind, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 25, e43684, 2023
Registered nurses' experiences of caring for patients in hospitals transitioning from curative to palliative care: A qualitative study
S Lind, A Bengtsson, A Alvariza, A Klarare
Nursing & health sciences 24 (4), 820-827, 2022
Leadership in specialist palliative home care teams: A qualitative study
A Klarare, S Lind, J Hansson, B Fossum, CJ Fürst, C Lundh Hagelin
Journal of Nursing Management 28 (1), 102-111, 2020
Peer support among parents of children with congenital heart defects: A qualitative analysis of written responses submitted via an online survey
T Carlsson, A Klarare, E Mattsson
Journal of advanced nursing 76 (12), 3528-3536, 2020
Methods and strategies to promote academic literacies in health professions: a scoping review
A Klarare, IB Rydeman, Å Kneck, E Bos Sparén, E Winnberg, B Bisholt
BMC Medical Education 22 (1), 418, 2022
Team type, team maturity and team effectiveness in specialist palliative home care: an exploratory questionnaire study
A Klarare, J Hansson, B Fossum, CJ Fürst, CL Hagelin
Journal of interprofessional care, 2019
The applicability of the translated Edmonton Symptom Assessment System: revised [ESAS-r] in Swedish palliative care
C Lundh Hagelin, A Klarare, CJ Fürst
Acta Oncologica 57 (4), 560-562, 2018
Caring for patients with eating deficiencies in palliative care—Registered nurses’ experiences: A qualitative study
V Wallin, E Mattsson, P Omerov, A Klarare
Journal of clinical nursing 31 (21-22), 3165-3177, 2022
Caring Behaviors Inventory-24: translation, cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric testing for use in a Swedish context
A Klarare, M Söderlund, A Wikman, J McGreevy, E Mattsson, ...
Human Resources for Health 19, 1-7, 2021
Advantages and challenges in using telehealth for home-based palliative care: protocol for a systematic mixed studies review
SA Steindal, AAG Nes, TE Godskesen, S Lind, A Dhle, A Winger, ...
JMIR Research Protocols 10 (5), e22626, 2021
Kommunikation i palliativ vård
A Klarare
Studentlitteratur AB, 2019
The relationship between attitudes to homelessness and perceptions of caring behaviours: a cross-sectional study among women experiencing homelessness, nurses and nursing students
SN Gaber, AK Rosenblad, E Mattsson, A Klarare
BMC Women's Health 22 (1), 159, 2022
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