Arupendra Mozumdar
Arupendra Mozumdar
FHM Engage, New Delhi, India
Підтверджена електронна адреса в fhm-engage.org
Persistent increase of prevalence of metabolic syndrome among US adults: NHANES III to NHANES 1999–2006
A Mozumdar, G Liguori
Diabetes care 34 (1), 216-219, 2011
Physical activity and screen time sedentary behaviors in college students
CJ Fountaine, GA Liguori, A Mozumdar, JM Schuna Jr
International Journal of Exercise Science 4 (2), 3, 2011
Determinants of low birth weight in India: An investigation from the National Family Health Survey
N Khan, A Mozumdar, S Kaur
American Journal of Human Biology, e23355, 2019
Spousal violence against women in India: A social–ecological analysis using data from the National Family Health Survey 2015 to 2016
J Ahmad, N Khan, A Mozumdar
Journal of interpersonal violence 36 (21-22), 10147-10181, 2021
Health-Related Fitness and Physical Activity Courses in US Colleges and Universities.
B Strand, J Egeberg, A Mozumdar
ICHPER-SD Journal of Research 5 (2), 17-20, 2010
Gender-Based Violence in Rural Uttar Pradesh, India Prevalence and Association With Reproductive Health Behaviors
J Ahmad, ME Khan, A Mozumdar, DS Varma
Journal of interpersonal violence 31 (19), 3111-3128, 2016
Changes in metabolic syndrome in American and Korean youth, 1997–2008
S Lim, HC Jang, KS Park, SI Cho, MG Lee, H Joung, A Mozumdar, ...
Pediatrics 131 (1), e214-e222, 2013
Method for estimating body weight in persons with lower-limb amputation and its implication for their nutritional assessment
A Mozumdar, SK Roy
The American journal of clinical nutrition 80 (4), 868-875, 2004
Adding a Question About Method Switching to the Method Information Index Is a Better Predictor of Contraceptive Continuation
A Jain, K Aruldas, E Tobey, A Mozumdar, R Acharya
Global Health: Science and Practice 7 (2), 289-299, 2019
Validation of two quality of care measures: Results from a longitudinal study of reversible contraceptive users in India
A Jain, K Aruldas, A Mozumdar, E Tobey, R Acharya
Studies in family planning 50 (2), 179-193, 2019
The prevalence and characteristics of wellness programs and centers at two-year and four-year colleges and universities
BN Strand, J Egeberg, A Mozumdar
Recreational Sports Journal 34 (1), 45-57, 2010
Semester long changes in sleep duration for college students
G Liguori, J Schuna Jr, A Mozumdar
College Student Journal 45 (3), 481-493, 2011
Depression in adult males with lower extremity amputation and its bio-social correlates
A Mozumdar, SK Roy
Health 2 (08), 878, 2010
Mass media exposure and use of reversible modern contraceptives among married women in India: An analysis of the NFHS 2015–16 data
R Ghosh, A Mozumdar, A Chattopadhyay, R Acharya
PloS one 16 (7), e0254400, 2021
Choice of contraceptive methods in public and private facilities in rural India
A Mozumdar, V Gautam, A Gautam, A Dey, R Saith, P Achyut, A Kumar, ...
BMC health services research 19 (1), 1-10, 2019
Prevalence, trends, and determinants of menopause in India: NFHS 1992–93 to NFHS 2005–06
A Mozumdar, PK Agrawal
American Journal of Human Biology 27 (3), 421-425, 2015
Corrective Equations to Self-Reported Height and Weight for Obesity Estimates Among US Adults: NHANES 1999–2008
A Mozumdar, G Liguori
Research quarterly for exercise and sport 87 (1), 47-58, 2016
Increasing knowledge of home based maternal and newborn care using self-help groups: Evidence from rural Uttar Pradesh, India
A Mozumdar, ME Khan, SK Mondal, PS Mohanan
Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare 18, 1-9, 2018
Statewide awareness study on personal risks of cardiovascular disease in women: a go red North Dakota study
A Mozumdar, G Liguori
Women's Health 6 (1), 37-50, 2010
Statewide awareness study on personal risks of cardiovascular disease in women: a Go Red North Dakota study
A Mozumdar, G Liguori
Women's Health 6 (1), 37-50, 2010
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