Philip B. Gnilka, PhD
Philip B. Gnilka, PhD
Sequoia Counseling Group
Підтверджена електронна адреса в sequoiacounselinggroup.com - Домашня сторінка
Adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism as mediators of adult attachment styles and depression, hopelessness, and life satisfaction
PB Gnilka, JS Ashby, CM Noble
Journal of Counseling & Development 91 (1), 78-86, 2013
Multidimensional perfectionism and anxiety: Differences among individuals with perfectionism and tests of a coping‐mediation model
PB Gnilka, JS Ashby, CM Noble
Journal of Counseling & Development 90 (4), 427-436, 2012
The relationship between supervisee stress, coping resources, the working alliance, and the supervisory working alliance
PB Gnilka, CY Chang, BJ Dew
Journal of counseling & development 90 (1), 63-70, 2012
Perfectionism and well-being: A positive psychology framework
H Suh, PB Gnilka, KG Rice
Personality and Individual Differences 111, 25-30, 2017
Multidimensional perfectionism, depression, and satisfaction with life: Differences among perfectionists and tests of a stress‐mediation model
JS Ashby, CL Noble, PB Gnilka
Journal of College Counseling 15 (2), 130-143, 2012
Stress and burnout among counselor educators: Differences between adaptive perfectionists, maladaptive perfectionists, and nonperfectionists
RM Moate, PB Gnilka, EM West, KL Bruns
Journal of Counseling & Development 94 (2), 161-171, 2016
Hope as a mediator and moderator of multidimensional perfectionism and depression in middle school students
JS Ashby, WL Dickinson, PB Gnilka, CL Noble
Journal of Counseling & Development 89 (2), 131-139, 2011
Gender differences in STEM students' perfectionism, career search self‐efficacy, and perception of career barriers
PB Gnilka, A Novakovic
Journal of Counseling & Development 95 (1), 56-66, 2017
Multidimensional perfectionism, coping, and depression: Differential prediction of depression symptoms by perfectionism type
CL Noble, JS Ashby, PB Gnilka
Journal of College Counseling 17 (1), 80-94, 2014
Acculturative stress, social support, and career outcome expectations among international students
M Franco, YS Hsiao, PB Gnilka, JS Ashby
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance 19, 275-291, 2019
A comparison of face-to-face and distance coaching practices: Coaches' perceptions of the role of the working alliance in problem resolution.
RM Berry, JS Ashby, PB Gnilka, KB Matheny
Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 63 (4), 243, 2011
Factor structure of the counselor burnout inventory in a sample of professional school counselors
PB Gnilka, AC Karpinski, HJ Smith
Measurement and evaluation in counseling and development 48 (3), 177-191, 2015
Doctoral student perfectionism and emotional well-being
RM Moate, PB Gnilka, EM West, KG Rice
Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development 52 (3), 145-155, 2019
Multidimensional perfectionism, depression, and anxiety: Tests of a social support mediation model
PB Gnilka, MD Broda, Spit for Science Working Group
Personality and Individual Differences 139, 295-300, 2019
Perfectionism and school counselors: Differences in stress, coping, and burnout
HJ Fye, PB Gnilka, SE McLaulin
Journal of Counseling & Development 96 (4), 349-360, 2018
Sign language interpreters and burnout: The effects of perfectionism, perceived stress, and coping resources
TJ Schwenke, JS Ashby, PB Gnilka
Interpreting 16 (2), 209-232, 2014
Family relationships and perfectionism in middle‐school students
AJ DiPrima, JS Ashby, PB Gnilka, CL Noble
Psychology in the Schools 48 (8), 815-827, 2011
The relationship between counseling trainee perfectionism and the working alliance with supervisor and client
KH Ganske, PB Gnilka, JS Ashby, KG Rice
Journal of Counseling & Development 93 (1), 14-24, 2015
Teaching counseling microskills to audiology students: Recommendations from professional counseling educators
K Beck, J Kulzer
Seminars in Hearing 39 (01), 091-106, 2018
Multidimensional perfectionism and perceived stress: Group differences and test of a coping mediation model
JS Ashby, PB Gnilka
Personality and Individual Differences 119, 106-111, 2017
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