Behdad Faridpak
Behdad Faridpak
Підтверджена електронна адреса в ualberta.ca - Домашня сторінка
Improved Hybrid Switched Inductor/Switched Capacitor DC-DC Converters
B Faridpak, M Bayat, M Nasiri, R Samanbakhsh, M Farrokhifar
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 36 (3), 3053-3062, 2021
Developing a Super-Lift Luo-Converter with Integration of Buck Converters for Electric Vehicle Applications
B Faridpak, M Farrokhifar, M Nasiri, A Alahyari, N Sadoogi
CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2020
Model predictive control for demand side management in buildings: A survey
M Farrokhifar, H Bahmani, B Faridpak, A Safari, D Pozo, M Aiello
Sustainable Cities and Society 75, 103381, 2021
Toward small scale renewable energy hub-based hybrid fuel stations: Appraising structure and scheduling
B Faridpak, A Alahyari, M Farrokhifar, H Momeni
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 6 (1), 267-277, 2020
Two-Step LP Approach for Optimal Placement and Operation of EV Charging Stations
B Faridpak, HF Gharibeh, M Farrokhifar, D Pozo
2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), 1-5, 2019
A series multi-step approach for operation Co-optimization of integrated power and natural gas systems
B Faridpak, M Farrokhifar, I Murzakhanov, A Safari
Energy 204, 117897, 2020
Performance analysis of organic solar cells: Opto-electrical modeling and simulation
N Sadoogi, A Rostami, B Faridpak, M Farrokhifar
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 24 (1), 229-235, 2021
Small-Signal Modeling of PMSG-Based Wind Turbine for Low Voltage Ride-Through and Artificial Intelligent Studies
M Nasiri, S Mobayen, B Faridpak, A Fekih, A Chang
Energies 13 (24), 6685, 2020
A Mixed Epistemic-Aleatory Stochastic Framework for the Optimal Operation of Hybrid Fuel Stations
B Faridpak, M Farrokhifar, A Alahyari, M Marzband
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 70 (10), 9764-9774, 2021
Optimal Capacitor Allocation in Sub-Transmission Networks to Mitigate Overloading Considering Harmonic Resonance
M Nasiri, B Faridpak, M Farrokhifar, A Alahyari
2020 International Youth Conference on Radio Electronics, Electrical and …, 2020
Low voltage ride through enhancement in PMSG-based wind turbines using de-loading droop
M Nasiri, B Faridpak, M Farrokhifar
IEEE Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies Conference, 1-6, 2020
Resilient Operation Strategies for Integrated Power-Gas Systems
B Faridpak, P Musilek
Energies 17 (24), 6270, 2024
Step-by-Step mixture calculations for each time interval by sampling from joint distribution of wind speed (υ) and Solar radiation (s)
B Faridpak, P Musilek
Techno-economic assessment of a solar-powered green hydrogen storage concept based on reversible solid oxide cells for residential micro-grid: A case study in Calgary
RE Chadegani, S Sharifi, B Faridpak, A Hammad, M Al-Hussein, ...
Energy, 134981, 2025
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