Pierantonio Laveneziana
Pierantonio Laveneziana
Sorbonne Université, INSERM UMRS 1158, Neurophysiologie Respiratoire
Підтверджена електронна адреса в aphp.fr
ERS statement on respiratory muscle testing at rest and during exercise
P Laveneziana, A Albuquerque, A Aliverti, T Babb, E Barreiro, M Dres, ...
European Respiratory Journal 53 (6), 2019
Mechanisms of dyspnea during cycle exercise in symptomatic patients with GOLD stage I chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
D Ofir, P Laveneziana, KA Webb, YM Lam, DE O'Donnell
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 177 (6), 622-629, 2008
Use of exercise testing in the evaluation of interventional efficacy: an official ERS statement
L Puente-Maestu, P Palange, R Casaburi, P Laveneziana, F Maltais, ...
European Respiratory Journal 47 (2), 429-460, 2016
Dyspnoea: a multidimensional and multidisciplinary approach
L Laviolette, P Laveneziana
European Respiratory Journal 43 (6), 1750-1762, 2014
Physiology and consequences of lung hyperinflation in COPD
DE O'Donnell, P Laveneziana
European Respiratory Review 15 (100), 61-67, 2007
An official European Respiratory Society statement: pulmonary haemodynamics during exercise
G Kovacs, P Herve, JA Barbera, A Chaouat, D Chemla, R Condliffe, ...
European Respiratory Journal 50 (5), 2017
Mechanisms of activity-related dyspnea in pulmonary diseases
DE O’Donnell, J Ora, KA Webb, P Laveneziana, D Jensen
Respiratory physiology & neurobiology 167 (1), 116-132, 2009
Dyspnea and activity limitation in COPD: mechanical factors
DE O'Donnell, P Laveneziana
COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 4 (3), 225-236, 2007
ERS statement on standardisation of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in chronic lung diseases
T Radtke, S Crook, G Kaltsakas, Z Louvaris, D Berton, DS Urquhart, ...
European Respiratory Review 28 (154), 2019
The clinical importance of dynamic lung hyperinflation in COPD
DE O'Donnell, P Laveneziana
COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 3 (4), 219-232, 2006
Anti-interleukin-5 therapy in severe asthma
G Garcia, C Taillé, P Laveneziana, A Bourdin, P Chanez, M Humbert
European Respiratory Review 22 (129), 251-257, 2013
Ventilatory and perceptual responses to cycle exercise in obese women
D Ofir, P Laveneziana, KA Webb, DE O'Donnell
Journal of applied physiology 102 (6), 2217-2226, 2007
Evolution of dyspnea during exercise in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: impact of critical volume constraints
P Laveneziana, KA Webb, J Ora, K Wadell, DE O'Donnell
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 184 (12), 1367-1373, 2011
Combined effects of obesity and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on dyspnea and exercise tolerance
J Ora, P Laveneziana, D Ofir, A Deesomchok, KA Webb, DE O'Donnell
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 180 (10), 964-971, 2009
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: clinical integrative physiology
DE O’Donnell, P Laveneziana, K Webb, JA Neder
Clinics in chest medicine 35 (1), 51-69, 2014
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing in pulmonary hypertension
J Weatherald, S Farina, N Bruno, P Laveneziana
Annals of the American Thoracic Society 14 (Supplement 1), S84-S92, 2017
Evaluation of acute bronchodilator reversibility in patients with symptoms of GOLD stage I COPD
DE O’donnell, P Laveneziana, J Ora, KA Webb, YM Lam, D Ofir
Thorax 64 (3), 216-223, 2009
Dynamic respiratory mechanics and exertional dyspnoea in pulmonary arterial hypertension
P Laveneziana, G Garcia, B Joureau, F Nicolas-Jilwan, T Brahimi, ...
European Respiratory Journal 41 (3), 578-587, 2013
Effect of obesity on respiratory mechanics during rest and exercise in COPD
J Ora, P Laveneziana, K Wadell, M Preston, KA Webb, DE O'Donnell
Journal of Applied Physiology 111 (1), 10-19, 2011
Sex differences in the perceived intensity of breathlessness during exercise with advancing age
D Ofir, P Laveneziana, KA Webb, YM Lam, DE O'Donnell
Journal of Applied Physiology 104 (6), 1583-1593, 2008
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