Environmental correlates of physical activity in youth–a review and update I Ferreira, K Van Der Horst, W Wendel‐Vos, S Kremers, FJ Van Lenthe, ... Obesity reviews 8 (2), 129-154, 2007 | 1452 | 2007 |
Potential environmental determinants of physical activity in adults: a systematic review W Wendel‐Vos, M Droomers, S Kremers, J Brug, F Van Lenthe Obesity reviews 8 (5), 425-440, 2007 | 874 | 2007 |
A systematic review of environmental correlates of obesity-related dietary behaviors in youth K Van Der Horst, A Oenema, I Ferreira, W Wendel-Vos, K Giskes, ... Health education research 22 (2), 203-226, 2006 | 845 | 2006 |
Fundamental constructs in food parenting practices: a content map to guide future research AE Vaughn, DS Ward, JO Fisher, MS Faith, SO Hughes, SPJ Kremers, ... Nutrition reviews 74 (2), 98-117, 2016 | 721 | 2016 |
Environmental influences on energy balance-related behaviors: a dual-process view SPJ Kremers, GJ De Bruijn, TLS Visscher, W Van Mechelen, NK De Vries, ... International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 3, 1-10, 2006 | 704 | 2006 |
Parenting style and adolescent fruit consumption SPJ Kremers, J Brug, H De Vries, RCME Engels Appetite 41 (1), 43-50, 2003 | 667 | 2003 |
General parenting, childhood overweight and obesity-inducing behaviors: a review SFC Sleddens, SMPL Gerards, C Thijs, NK De Vries, SPJ Kremers International journal of pediatric obesity 6 (sup3), e12-27, 2011 | 629 | 2011 |
The Children's Eating Behaviour Questionnaire: factorial validity and association with Body Mass Index in Dutch children aged 6–7 EFC Sleddens, SPJ Kremers, C Thijs International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 5, 1-9, 2008 | 504 | 2008 |
The European Smoking prevention Framework Approach (EFSA): an example of integral prevention H De Vries, A Mudde, I Leijs, A Charlton, E Vartiainen, G Buijs, ... Health education research 18 (5), 611-626, 2003 | 489 | 2003 |
How parental dietary behavior and food parenting practices affect children's dietary behavior. Interacting sources of influence? JK Larsen, RCJ Hermans, EFC Sleddens, RCME Engels, JO Fisher, ... Appetite 89, 246-257, 2015 | 442 | 2015 |
Parents’ and friends’ smoking status as predictors of smoking onset: findings from six European countries H De Vries, R Engels, S Kremers, J Wetzels, A Mudde Health education research 18 (5), 627-636, 2003 | 375 | 2003 |
Associations between physical activity, fitness, and academic achievement L Kwak, SPJ Kremers, P Bergman, JR Ruiz, NS Rizzo, M Sjöström The Journal of pediatrics 155 (6), 914-918. e1, 2009 | 362 | 2009 |
The Transtheoretical Model and stages of change: a critique: observations by five commentators on the paper by Adams, J. and White, M.(2004) why don't stage-based activity … J Brug, M Conner, N Harre, S Kremers, S McKellar, S Whitelaw Health education research 20 (2), 244-258, 2005 | 360 | 2005 |
Perceived parenting style and practices and the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages by adolescents K Van der Horst, S Kremers, I Ferreira, A Singh, A Oenema, J Brug Health education research 22 (2), 295-304, 2006 | 344 | 2006 |
Association between parenting practices and children's dietary intake, activity behavior and development of body mass index: the KOALA Birth Cohort Study JS Gubbels, SPJ Kremers, A Stafleu, SI de Vries, RA Goldbohm, ... International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 8, 1-13, 2011 | 280 | 2011 |
Adult active transportation: adding habit strength to the theory of planned behavior GJ De Bruijn, SPJ Kremers, A Singh, B Van den Putte, W Van Mechelen American journal of preventive medicine 36 (3), 189-194, 2009 | 277 | 2009 |
The effectiveness of tailored feedback and action plans in an intervention addressing multiple health behaviors H De Vries, SPJ Kremers, T Smeets, J Brug, K Eijmael American Journal of Health Promotion 22 (6), 417-424, 2008 | 270 | 2008 |
Interaction between physical environment, social environment, and child characteristics in determining physical activity at child care. JS Gubbels, SPJ Kremers, DHH Van Kann, A Stafleu, MJJM Candel, ... Health Psychology 30 (1), 84, 2011 | 253 | 2011 |
Peer influence on snacking behavior in adolescence EJ Wouters, JK Larsen, SP Kremers, PC Dagnelie, R Geenen Appetite 55 (1), 11-17, 2010 | 245 | 2010 |
Clusters of lifestyle behaviors: results from the Dutch SMILE study H De Vries, J van't Riet, M Spigt, J Metsemakers, M van den Akker, ... Preventive medicine 46 (3), 203-208, 2008 | 244 | 2008 |