Emily M Choquette
Emily M Choquette
Підтверджена електронна адреса в laureateinstitute.org
From fad to FAD: A theoretical formulation and proposed name change for “drunkorexia” to food and alcohol disturbance (FAD)
EM Choquette, D Rancourt, J Kevin Thompson
International Journal of Eating Disorders 51 (8), 831-834, 2018
Thinness pressures in ethnically diverse college women in the United States
DL Ordaz, LM Schaefer, E Choquette, J Schueler, L Wallace, ...
Body Image 24, 1-4, 2018
Body talk, athletic identity, and eating disorder symptoms in men.
E Ahlich, EM Choquette, D Rancourt
Psychology of Men & Masculinities 20 (3), 347, 2019
Food and Alcohol Disturbance (FAD) in the US and France: Nationality and gender effects and relations to drive for thinness and alcohol use
EM Choquette, DL Ordaz, T Melioli, B Delage, H Chabrol, R Rodgers, ...
Eating behaviors 31, 113-119, 2018
Reexamination of the psychometric properties of the Compensatory Eating and Behaviors in Response to Alcohol Consumption Scale (CEBRACS) and exploration of alternative scoring
EM Choquette, R Dedrick, JK Thompson, D Rancourt
Eating Behaviors 38, 101410, 2020
Food and alcohol disturbance by athlete status: The roles of drive for thinness, drive for muscularity, and sex
M Palermo, EM Choquette, E Ahlich, D Rancourt
Journal of American College Health 69 (8), 905-912, 2021
A comparison of food and alcohol disturbance (FAD) in sorority and non-sorority women
D Rancourt, E Ahlich, EM Choquette, J Simon, K Kelley
Journal of American College Health 70 (1), 30-33, 2022
Response to Tomalski et al.(2019): Recommendations for adapting a comprehensive athlete mental health screening program for broad dissemination
D Rancourt, A Brauer, M Palermo, EM Choquette, C Stanley
Journal of Sport Psychology in Action 11 (1), 57-67, 2020
A randomized clinical trial of behavioral activation and exposure-based therapy for adults with generalized anxiety disorder
H Berg, E Akeman, TJ McDermott, KT Cosgrove, N Kirlic, A Clausen, ...
Journal of mood and anxiety disorders 1, 100004, 2023
The impact of floatation therapy on body image and anxiety in anorexia nervosa: a randomised clinical efficacy trial
EM Choquette, MC Flux, SE Moseman, S Chappelle, J Naegele, ...
Eclinicalmedicine 64, 2023
Unification of the food and alcohol disturbance literature: a systematic review
KA Berry, EM Choquette, A Looby, D Rancourt
Clinical Psychology Review, 102486, 2024
Understanding the impact of attachment insecurity on PTSD symptoms among male Veterans and military personnel
NA Sciarrino, JM Moschetto, EM Choquette, BC Davis, JA Bannister
Military Psychology 32 (5), 379-389, 2020
Application of the sociocognitive model of internalized stigma to weight: The role of weight controllability beliefs on obligatory exercise engagement.
A Cunning, C Peterson, E Choquette, RF Rodgers, D Rancourt
Stigma and Health 7 (3), 326, 2022
A Psychometric Evaluation of the Compensatory Eating and Behaviors in Response to Alcohol Consumption Scale (CEBRACS)
EM Choquette
University of South Florida, 2017
Invariance of the Eating Disorder Inventory-Drive for Thinness subscale across university and community samples.
D Rancourt, EM Choquette, E Ahlich, BM Lang, CL Verzijl, M Palermo, ...
Psychological Assessment 34 (4), 341, 2022
An Ecological Momentary Assessment of Disordered Eating Behaviors within Alcohol Use Episodes: Determining Temporal Sequencing in Food and Alcohol Disturbance
EM Choquette
University of South Florida, 2021
Impaired eating behaviors but intact metabolic hormone levels in individuals with major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder
BA McNaughton, K Burrows, E Choquette, T Poplin, R Kuplicki, ...
Journal of psychiatric research 168, 193-203, 2023
Impulsivity, Trauma History, and Interoceptive Awareness Contribute to Completion of a Criminal Diversion Substance Use Treatment Program for Women
EM Choquette, KL Forthman, N Kirlic, JL Stewart, MJ Cannon, E Akeman, ...
Trauma History, and Interoceptive Awareness Contribute to Completion of a …, 2022
Impulsivity, trauma history, and interoceptive awareness contribute to completion of a criminal diversion substance use treatment program for women
EM Choquette, KL Forthman, N Kirlic, JL Stewart, MJ Cannon, E Akeman, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 15, 1390199, 2024
Corrigendum to “A randomized clinical trial of behavioral activation and exposure-based therapy for adults with generalized anxiety disorder”[J. Mood Anxiety Disord., vol. 1 …
H Berg, E Akeman, TJ McDermott, KT Cosgrove, N Kirlic, A Clausen, ...
Journal of Mood & Anxiety Disorders 5, 2024
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