Donald Kluemper
Donald Kluemper
Підтверджена електронна адреса в ttu.edu - Домашня сторінка
Future employment selection methods: evaluating social networking web sites
DH Kluemper, PA Rosen
Journal of managerial Psychology 24 (6), 567-580, 2009
State or trait: effects of state optimism on job‐related outcomes
DH Kluemper, LM Little, T DeGroot
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2009
Social Networking Websites, Personality Ratings, and the Organizational Context: More Than Meets the Eye?1
DH Kluemper, PA Rosen, KW Mossholder
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 42 (5), 1143-1172, 2012
Linking perceptions of role stress and incivility to workplace aggression: The moderating role of personality.
SG Taylor, DH Kluemper
Journal of occupational health psychology 17 (3), 316, 2012
Linking workplace incivility to citizenship performance: The combined effects of affective commitment and conscientiousness
SG Taylor, AG Bedeian, DH Kluemper
Journal of Organizational Behavior 33 (7), 878-893, 2012
Trait emotional intelligence: The impact of core-self evaluations and social desirability
DH Kluemper
Personality and Individual Differences 44 (6), 1402-1412, 2008
The impact of the big five personality traits on the acceptance of social networking website
PA Rosen, DH Kluemper
AMCIS 2008 proceedings, 274, 2008
Development and validation of the interpersonal emotion management scale
LM Little, D Kluemper, DL Nelson, J Gooty
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 85 (2), 407-420, 2012
Emotion management ability: Predicting task performance, citizenship, and deviance
DH Kluemper, T DeGroot, S Choi
Journal of Management 39 (4), 878-905, 2013
Acquaintance ratings of the Big Five personality traits: Incremental validity beyond and interactive effects with self-reports in the prediction of workplace deviance.
DH Kluemper, BD McLarty, MN Bing
Journal of Applied Psychology 100 (1), 237, 2015
Social media use in HRM
DH Kluemper, A Mitra, S Wang
Research in personnel and human resources management 34, 153-207, 2016
Overclaiming as a measure of faking
MN Bing, D Kluemper, HK Davison, S Taylor, M Novicevic
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 116 (1), 148-162, 2011
Social network screening: Pitfalls, possibilities, and parallels in employment selection
DH Kluemper
Social media in human resources management 12, 1-21, 2013
When core self-evaluations influence employees’ deviant reactions to abusive supervision: The moderating role of cognitive ability
DH Kluemper, KW Mossholder, D Ispas, MN Bing, D Iliescu, A Ilie
Journal of Business Ethics 159, 435-453, 2019
Social media as a personnel selection and hiring resource: Reservations and recommendations
HK Davison, MN Bing, DH Kluemper, PL Roth
Social media in employee selection and recruitment: Theory, practice, and …, 2016
Evidence of predictive and incremental validity of personality factors, vocal attractiveness and the situational interview
T DeGroot, D Kluemper
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 15 (1), 30-39, 2007
More than happy to help? Customer‐focused emotion management strategies
LM Little, D Kluemper, DL Nelson, A Ward
Personnel Psychology 66 (1), 261-286, 2013
Assessing emotional self‐efficacy: Evaluating validity and dimensionality with cross‐cultural samples
S Choi, DH Kluemper, KS Sauley
Applied Psychology 62 (1), 97-123, 2013
Does talking the talk help walking the walk? An examination of the effect of vocal attractiveness in leader effectiveness
T DeGroot, F Aime, SG Johnson, D Kluemper
The Leadership Quarterly 22 (4), 680-689, 2011
Equity sensitivity revisited: Contrasting unidimensional and multidimensional approaches
SG Taylor, DH Kluemper, KS Sauley
Journal of Business and Psychology 24, 299-314, 2009
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