Cristóbal A. Navarro
Cristóbal A. Navarro
Professor of Computer Science, Universidad Austral de Chile
Підтверджена електронна адреса в inf.uach.cl - Домашня сторінка
A survey on parallel computing and its applications in data-parallel problems using GPU architectures
CA Navarro, N Hitschfeld-Kahler, L Mateu
Communications in Computational Physics 15 (2), 285-329, 2014
GPU tensor cores for fast arithmetic reductions
CA Navarro, R Carrasco, RJ Barrientos, JA Riquelme, R Vega
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 32 (1), 72-84, 2020
A parallel gpu-based algorithm for delaunay edge-flips
C Navarro, N Hitschfeld-Kahler, E Scheihing
The 27th European Workshop on Computational Geometry, EuroCG 11, 2011
A filtering technique for fast Convex Hull construction in R2
H Ferrada, CA Navarro, N Hitschfeld
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 364, 112298, 2020
GPU maps for the space of computation in triangular domain problems
CA Navarro, N Hitschfeld
2014 IEEE Intl Conf on High Performance Computing and Communications, 2014 …, 2014
Adaptive multi-GPU exchange Monte Carlo for the 3D random field Ising model
CA Navarro, W Huang, Y Deng
Computer Physics Communications 205, 48-60, 2016
Analyzing GPU tensor core potential for fast reductions
R Carrasco, R Vega, CA Navarro
2018 37th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society …, 2018
Fast CNN Stereo Depth Estimation through Embedded GPU Devices
CA Aguilera, C Aguilera, CA Navarro, AD Sappa
Sensors 20 (11), 3249, 2020
GPU parallel simulation algorithm of Brownian particles with excluded volume using Delaunay triangulations
F Carter, N Hitschfeld, CA Navarro, R Soto
Computer Physics Communications 229, 148-161, 2018
Fast kNN query processing over a multi-node GPU environment
RJ Barrientos, JA Riquelme, R Hernández-García, CA Navarro, ...
The Journal of Supercomputing, 2021
Competitiveness of a non-linear block-space gpu thread map for simplex domains
CA Navarro, M Vernier, B Bustos, N Hitschfeld
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 29 (12), 2728-2741, 2018
A high-speed tracking algorithm for dense granular media
M Cerda, CA Navarro, J Silva, SR Waitukaitis, N Mujica, N Hitschfeld
Computer Physics Communications 227, 8-16, 2018
A GPU-based Method for Generating quasi-Delaunay Triangulations based on Edge-flips.
CA Navarro, N Hitschfeld-Kahler, E Scheihing
GRAPP/IVAPP, 27-34, 2013
Potential benefits of a block-space GPU approach for discrete tetrahedral domains
CA Navarro, B Bustos, N Hitschfeld
2016 XLII Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI), 1-5, 2016
An exhaustive algorithm based on GPU to process a kNN query
JA Riquelme, RJ Barrientos, R Hernández-García, CA Navarro
2020 39th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society …, 2020
Squeeze: Efficient compact fractals for tensor core GPUs
FA Quezada, CA Navarro, N Hitschfeld, B Bustos
Future Generation Computer Systems 135, 10-19, 2022
Efficient GPU thread mapping on embedded 2D fractals
CA Navarro, FA Quezada, N Hitschfeld, R Vega, B Bustos
Future Generation Computer Systems 113, 158-169, 2020
Parallel family trees for transfer matrices in the Potts model
CA Navarro, F Canfora, N Hitschfeld, G Navarro
Computer Physics Communications 187, 55-71, 2015
Accelerating range minimum queries with ray tracing cores
E Meneses, CA Navarro, H Ferrada, FA Quezada
Future Generation Computer Systems 157, 98-111, 2024
Modeling GPU Dynamic Parallelism for self similar density workloads
FA Quezada, CA Navarro, M Romero, C Aguilera
Future Generation Computer Systems 145, 239-253, 2023
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