Michael Fuchsjäger
Michael Fuchsjäger
Professor of Radiology, Medical University of Graz
Підтверджена електронна адреса в medunigraz.at
Breast MRI: EUSOBI recommendations for women’s information
RM Mann, C Balleyguier, PA Baltzer, U Bick, C Colin, E Cornford, A Evans, ...
European radiology 25, 3669-3678, 2015
Breast cancer screening in women with extremely dense breasts recommendations of the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI)
RM Mann, A Athanasiou, PAT Baltzer, J Camps-Herrero, P Clauser, ...
European radiology 32 (6), 4036-4045, 2022
Position paper on screening for breast cancer by the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) and 30 national breast radiology bodies from Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and …
F Sardanelli, HS Aase, M Álvarez, E Azavedo, HJ Baarslag, C Balleyguier, ...
European radiology 27, 2737-2743, 2017
US-guided 14-gauge Core-Needle Breast Biopsy: Results of a Validation Study in 1352 Cases1
G Schueller, S Jaromi, L Ponhold, M Fuchsjaeger, M Memarsadeghi, ...
Radiology 248 (2), 406-413, 2008
Follow-up of palpable circumscribed noncalcified solid breast masses at mammography and US: can biopsy be averted?
O Graf, TH Helbich, MH Fuchsjaeger, G Hopf, M Morgun, C Graf, R Mallek, ...
Radiology 233 (3), 850-856, 2004
Blood flow vortices along the main pulmonary artery measured with MR imaging for diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension
G Reiter, U Reiter, G Kovacs, H Olschewski, M Fuchsjäger
Radiology 275 (1), 71-79, 2015
Breast ultrasound: recommendations for information to women and referring physicians by the European Society of Breast Imaging
A Evans, RM Trimboli, A Athanasiou, C Balleyguier, PA Baltzer, U Bick, ...
Insights into imaging 9, 449-461, 2018
Image-guided breast biopsy and localisation: recommendations for information to women and referring physicians by the European Society of Breast Imaging
U Bick, RM Trimboli, A Athanasiou, C Balleyguier, PAT Baltzer, ...
Insights into imaging 11, 1-18, 2020
Magnetic resonance imaging of the breast improves detection of invasive cancer, preinvasive cancer, and premalignant lesions during surveillance of women at high risk for …
CC Riedl, L Ponhold, D Flöry, M Weber, R Kroiss, T Wagner, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 13 (20), 6144-6152, 2007
Prostate cancer imaging
M Fuchsjäger, A Shukla-Dave, O Akin, J Barentsz, H Hricak
Acta radiologica 49 (1), 107-120, 2008
Stereotactic and ultrasound-guided breast biopsy
TH Helbich, W Matzek, MH Fuchsjäger
European radiology 14, 383-393, 2004
Radiology in the era of value-based healthcare: a multi-society expert statement from the ACR, CAR, ESR, IS3R, RANZCR, and RSNA
AP Brady, JA Bello, LE Derchi, M Fuchsjäger, S Goergen, GP Krestin, ...
Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 72 (2), 208-214, 2021
Digital mammography: an update
R Schulz-Wendtland, M Fuchsjäger, T Wacker, KP Hermann
European journal of radiology 72 (2), 258-265, 2009
A survey by the European Society of Breast Imaging on the utilisation of breast MRI in clinical practice
P Clauser, R Mann, A Athanasiou, H Prosch, K Pinker, M Dietzel, ...
European radiology 28, 1909-1918, 2018
Elevated pulmonary vascular resistance predicts mortality in COPD patients
K Zeder, A Avian, G Bachmaier, P Douschan, V Foris, T Sassmann, ...
European Respiratory Journal 58 (2), 2021
Comparison of transrectal sonography and double-contrast MR imaging when staging rectal cancer
MH Fuchsjäger, AG Maier, W Schima, E Zebedin, F Herbst, M Mittlböck, ...
American Journal of Roentgenology 181 (2), 421-427, 2003
Normal diastolic and systolic myocardial T1 values at 1.5-T MR imaging: correlations and blood normalization
U Reiter, G Reiter, K Dorr, A Greiser, R Maderthaner, M Fuchsjäger
Radiology 271 (2), 365-372, 2014
Preoperative staging of rectal cancer
A Maier, M Fuchsjäger
European journal of radiology 47 (2), 89-97, 2003
Characterization of benign and malignant breast lesions with computed tomography laser mammography (CTLM): initial experience
D Floery, TH Helbich, CC Riedl, S Jaromi, M Weber, S Leodolter, ...
Investigative radiology 40 (6), 328-335, 2005
The small-bowel feces sign
MH Fuchsjäger
Radiology 225 (2), 378-379, 2002
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