Vinod Vasudevan
Vinod Vasudevan
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Alaska, Anchorage
Підтверджена електронна адреса в iitk.ac.in
Understanding school trip mode choice–The case of Kanpur (India)
N Singh, V Vasudevan
Journal of transport geography 66, 283-290, 2018
Effect of bicycle friendly roadway infrastructure on bicycling activities in urban India
S Basu, V Vasudevan
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 104, 1139-1148, 2013
Is seat belt usage by front seat passengers related to seat belt usage by their drivers?
SS Nambisan, V Vasudevan
Journal of Safety Research 38 (5), 545-555, 2007
Study of vehicle ownership for urban and rural households in India
R Choudhary, V Vasudevan
Journal of Transport Geography 58, 52-58, 2017
Evaluating effectiveness of infrastructure-based countermeasures for pedestrian safety
SS Pulugurtha, V Vasudevan, SS Nambisan, MR Dangeti
Transportation research record 2299 (1), 100-109, 2012
Effectiveness of media and enforcement campaigns in increasing seat belt usage rates in a state with a secondary seat belt law
V Vasudevan, SS Nambisan, AK Singh, T Pearl
Traffic injury prevention 10 (4), 330-339, 2009
Water permeability assessment of alternative masonry systems
KB Anand, V Vasudevan, K Ramamurthy
Building and Environment 38 (7), 947-957, 2003
Effectiveness of automatic pedestrian detection device and smart lighting for pedestrian safety
SS Nambisan, SS Pulugurtha, V Vasudevan, MR Dangeti, V Virupaksha
Transportation research record 2140 (1), 27-34, 2009
Pedestrian temporal gap acceptance behavior at unsignalized intersections in Kanpur, India
V Vasudevan, M Mehta, B Dutta
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 74, 95-103, 2020
Effectiveness of signal-based countermeasures for pedestrian safety: Findings from pilot study
V Vasudevan, SS Pulugurtha, SS Nambisan, MR Dangeti
Transportation research record 2264 (1), 44-53, 2011
Toward improving confidence in autonomous vehicle software: A study on traffic sign recognition systems
K Aslansefat, S Kabir, A Abdullatif, V Vasudevan, Y Papadopoulos
Computer 54 (8), 66-76, 2021
Disaggregate model for vehicle ownership behavior of Indian households
S Dash, V Vasudevan, SK Singh
Transportation research record 2394 (1), 55-62, 2013
Impact of speed humps of bicyclists
T Patel, V Vasudevan
Safety science 89, 138-146, 2016
Analysis of overtaking patterns of Indian drivers with data collected using a LiDAR
R Soni, V Vasudevan, B Dutta
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 74, 139-150, 2020
Is vehicle ownership in urban india influenced by the availability of high quality dedicated public transit systems?
V Vasudevan, R Agarwala, S Dash
IATSS research 45 (3), 286-292, 2021
Options framework and valuation of highway infrastructure under real and financial uncertainties
V Vasudevan, P Prakash, B Sahu
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 24 (3), 04018014, 2018
Methods to prioritize pedestrian high-crash locations and statistical analysis of their relationships
V Vasudevan, SS Pulugurtha, SS Nambisan
Transportation research record 2002 (1), 39-54, 2007
Evaluation of effectiveness of traffic signs to enhance pedestrian safety
SS Pulugurtha, SS Nambisan, MR Dangeti, V Vasudevan
Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting, 2010
Study on pedestrian risk exposure at unsignalized intersection in a country with extreme vehicle heterogeneity and poor lane discipline
B Dutta, V Vasudevan
Transportation research record 2634 (1), 69-77, 2017
Importance of awareness in improving performance of emergency medical services (EMS) systems in enhancing traffic safety: A lesson from India
V Vasudevan, P Singh, S Basu
Traffic injury prevention 17 (7), 699-704, 2016
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