Lucas Van Belle
Lucas Van Belle
KU Leuven, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Підтверджена електронна адреса в kuleuven.be - Домашня сторінка
On the impact of damping on the dispersion curves of a locally resonant metamaterial: Modelling and experimental validation
L Van Belle, C Claeys, E Deckers, W Desmet
Journal of Sound and Vibration 409, 1-23, 2017
Dynamic mass based sound transmission loss prediction of vibro-acoustic metamaterial double panels applied to the mass-air-mass resonance
NGR de Melo Filho, L Van Belle, C Claeys, E Deckers, W Desmet
Journal of Sound and Vibration 442, 28-44, 2019
Design and validation of metamaterials for multiple structural stop bands in waveguides
C Claeys, NGR de Melo Filho, L Van Belle, E Deckers, W Desmet
Extreme Mechanics Letters 12, 7-22, 2017
The impact of damping on the sound transmission loss of locally resonant metamaterial plates
L Van Belle, C Claeys, E Deckers, W Desmet
Journal of Sound and Vibration 461, 114909, 2019
Wave propagation in locally resonant cylindrically curved metamaterial panels
A Nateghi, L Van Belle, C Claeys, E Deckers, B Pluymers, W Desmet
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 127, 73-90, 2017
Improvement of the sound absorption of flexible micro-perforated panels by local resonances
SW Ren, L Van Belle, C Claeys, FX Xin, TJ Lu, E Deckers, W Desmet
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 117, 138-156, 2019
Prediction of transmission, reflection and absorption coefficients of periodic structures using a hybrid wave based–finite element unit cell method
E Deckers, S Jonckheere, L Van Belle, C Claeys, W Desmet
Journal of Computational Physics 356, 282-302, 2018
Improving the noise insulation performance of vibro-acoustic metamaterial panels through multi-resonant design
S Janssen, L Van Belle, NGR de Melo Filho, W Desmet, C Claeys, ...
Applied Acoustics 213, 109622, 2023
Bloch theorem with revised boundary conditions applied to glide, screw and rotational symmetric structures
F Maurin, C Claeys, L Van Belle, W Desmet
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 318, 497-513, 2017
Fast metamaterial design optimization using reduced order unit cell modeling
L Van Belle, W Desmet, B Pluymers, D Moens, S Vandemaele
Proceedings of ISMA 2020, 2487-2501, 2020
Contribution of the wave modes to the sound transmission loss of inhomogeneous periodic structures using a wave and finite element based approach
V Cool, R Boukadia, L Van Belle, W Desmet, E Deckers
Journal of Sound and Vibration 537, 117183, 2022
Experimental validation of numerical structural dynamic models for metal plate joining techniques
L Van Belle, D Brandolisio, E Deckers, S Jonckheere, C Claeys, ...
Journal of Vibration and Control 24 (15), 3348-3369, 2018
Impact of the unit cell choice on the efficiency of dispersion curve calculations using generalized Bloch mode synthesis
V Cool, L Van Belle, C Claeys, E Deckers, W Desmet
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 144 (2), 024501, 2022
Sound transmission loss of a locally resonant metamaterial using the hybrid wave based—Finite element unit cell method
L Van Belle, E Deckers, C Claeys, W Desmet
2017 11th International Congress on Engineered Materials Platforms for Novel …, 2017
A study on the application of locally resonant acoustic metamaterial for reducing a vehicle's engine noise
KJ Chang, NG Rocha de Melo Filho, L Van Belle, C Claeys, W Desmet
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON congress and conference proceedings 259 (9), 102-113, 2019
Dynamic mass based sound transmission loss prediction of vibrio-acoustic metamaterial double panels applied to the mass-air-mass resonance
N Melo Filho, L Van Belle, C Claeys, E Deckers, W Desmet
Journal of Sound and Vibration 442 (3), 28-44, 2019
Substructuring based parametric reduced order modelling for large-scale dynamical systems containing viscoelasticity with application to bonded assemblies
S Zhang, H Devriendt, L Van Belle, W Desmet
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 191, 110192, 2023
Implications of nonsub-wavelength resonator spacing on the sound transmission loss predictions of locally resonant metamaterial partitions
L Van Belle, C Claeys, E Deckers, W Desmet
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 143 (4), 044503, 2021
Impact of the acoustic transmission path on the vibro-acoustic performance of sandwich panels with structural cores with bandgap behavior
V Cool, L Van Belle, C Claeys, W Desmet, E Deckers
Applied Acoustics 200, 109080, 2022
The influence of adhesive materials on the transverse vibrations of single lap joints: an experimental study
S Gallas, I Sabahi, L Van Belle, J Croes, F Naets, W Desmet
The Journal of Adhesion 99 (11), 1809-1831, 2023
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