Tesfaye Getachew (PhD)
Tesfaye Getachew (PhD)
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
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Herd management and breeding practices of sheep owners in a mixed crop-livestock and a pastoral system of Ethiopia
T Getachew, A Haile, M Tibbo, AK Sharma, J Sölkner, M Wurzinger
African Journal of Agricultural Research 5 (8), 685-691, 2010
Community‐based breeding programmes are a viable solution for Ethiopian small ruminant genetic improvement but require public and private investments
A Haile, S Gizaw, T Getachew, JP Mueller, P Amer, M Rekik, ...
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 136 (5), 319-328, 2019
Community-based sheep breeding programs generated substantial genetic gains and socioeconomic benefits
A Haile, T Getachew, T Mirkena, G Duguma, S Gizaw, M Wurzinger, ...
Animal 14 (7), 1362-1370, 2020
Survival analysis of genetic and non-genetic factors influencing ewe longevity and lamb survival of Ethiopian sheep breeds
T Getachew, S Gizaw, M Wurzinger, A Haile, B Rischkowsky, AM Okeyo, ...
Livestock science 176, 22-32, 2015
Efficiency of selection for body weight in a cooperative village breeding program of Menz sheep under smallholder farming system
S Gizaw, T Getachew, S Goshme, A Valle-Zárate, JAM van Arendonk, ...
Animal 8 (8), 1249-1254, 2014
Estimation of genetic parameters for growth traits and Kleiber ratios in Boer x Central Highland goat
Z Tesema, K Alemayehu, T Getachew, D Kebede, B Deribe, M Taye, ...
Tropical Animal Health and Production 52, 3195-3205, 2020
Optimizing alternative schemes of community-based breeding programs for two Ethiopian goat breeds
S Abegaz, J Sölkner, S Gizaw, T Dessie, A Haile, T Mirkena, T Getachew, ...
Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis 18 (1), 47-55, 2014
Congruence between selection on breeding values and farmers’ selection criteria in sheep breeding under conventional nucleus breeding schemes
S Gizaw, T Getachew, M Tibbo, A Haile, T Dessie
Animal 5 (7), 995-1001, 2011
Morphological characters and body weight of Menz and Afar sheep within their production system
T Getachew, A Haile, M Tibbo, AK Sharma, A Kifle, E Terefe, M Wurzinger, ...
Ethiopian Journal of Animal Production 9 (1), 99-115, 2009
Estimation of (co) variance components, genetic parameters, and genetic trends of growth traits in community-based breeding programs of Bonga sheep
E Areb, T Getachew, MA Kirmani, Z Abate, A Haile
Animal 15 (5), 100202, 2021
Participatory identification of breeding objective traits and selection criteria for indigenous goat of the pastoral communities in Ethiopia
T Getachew, A Haile, T Tessema, D Dea, Z Edea, B Rischkowsky
Tropical Animal Health and Production 52 (4), 2145-2155, 2020
Genetic and non-genetic parameter estimates for growth traits and Kleiber ratios in Dorper× indigenous sheep
Z Tesema, B Deribe, M Lakew, T Getachew, M Tilahun, N Belayneh, ...
Animal 16 (6), 100533, 2022
Morphological diversity of northeastern fat-tailed and northwestern thin-tailed indigenous sheep breeds of Ethiopia
B Deribe, D Beyene, K Dagne, T Getachew, S Gizaw, A Abebe
Heliyon 7 (7), 2021
Genetic diversity and admixture analysis of Ethiopian Fat-tailed and Awassi sheep using SNP markers for designing crossbreeding schemes
T Getachew
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, 2015
Characterization of indigenous breeding strategies of the sheep farming communities of Ethiopia
S Gizaw, T Getachew, Z Edea, T Mirkena, G Duguma, M Tibbo, ...
Development of a synthetic Awassi-Menz sheep breed
S Gizaw, S Lemma, TG Getachew, A Abebe
Proceedings of livestock research, 2012
Going to scale—From community-based to population-wide genetic improvement and commercialized sheep meat supply in Ethiopia
J Mueller, A Haile, T Getachew, B Santos, M Rekik, B Belay, D Solomon, ...
Frontiers in Genetics 14, 1114381, 2023
Breeding objective, breeding practices and selection criteria of indigenous sheep in Western Amhara, Ethiopia
E Adimasu, K Almayehu, T Getachew
Int J Sustain Agric Res 6, 172-182, 2019
Reproductive performance and productivity of local and Dorper x local crossbred ewes under community-based management system, Ethiopia
A Abebe, G Berhane, T Getachew, S Gizaw, A Haile
Heliyon 9 (9), 2023
Characterization, conservation and sustainable utilization of Ethiopian animal genetic resources: status, challenges and opportunities: a review
A Assefa, A Hailu, A Mustefa, A Melak, T Getachew
International Journal of Social Science Studies 3 (1), 230-241, 2021
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