Thorsten Hoeser
Thorsten Hoeser
DLR German Aerospace Center, DFD German Remote Sensing Data Center
Підтверджена електронна адреса в dlr.de - Домашня сторінка
Object Detection and Image Segmentation with Deep Learning on Earth Observation Data: A Review-Part I: Evolution and Recent Trends
T Hoeser, C Kuenzer
Remote Sensing 12 (10), 2020
Object Detection and Image Segmentation with Deep Learning on Earth Observation Data: A Review—Part II: Applications
T Hoeser, F Bachofer, C Kuenzer
Remote Sensing 12 (18), 3053, 2020
Rock‐glacier dams in High Asia
JH Blöthe, S Rosenwinkel, T Höser, O Korup
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44 (3), 808-824, 2019
Analysing the Capabilities and Limitations of InSAR using Sentinel-1 Data for Landslide Detection and Monitoring
T Höser
Department of Geograph University of Bonn, 2018
DeepOWT: A global offshore wind turbine data set derived with deep learning from Sentinel-1 data
T Hoeser, S Feuerstein, C Kuenzer
Earth System Science Data 14 (9), 4251-4270, 2022
SyntEO: Synthetic dataset generation for earth observation and deep learning–Demonstrated for offshore wind farm detection
T Hoeser, C Kuenzer
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 189, 163-184, 2022
Global dynamics of the offshore wind energy sector monitored with Sentinel-1: Turbine count, installed capacity and site specifications
T Hoeser, C Kuenzer
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 112 …, 2022
Elevation change of Bhasan Char measured by persistent scatterer interferometry using Sentinel-1 data in a humanitarian context
A Braun, T Höser, JMD Blasco
European Journal of Remote Sensing, 1-18, 2020
Deep Learning on Synthetic Data Enables the Automatic Identification of Deficient Forested Windbreaks in the Paraguayan Chaco
J Kriese, T Hoeser, S Asam, P Kacic, E Da Ponte, U Gessner
Remote Sensing 14 (17), 4327, 2022
Spatial Modelling and Prediction with the Spatio-Temporal Matrix: A Study on Predicting Future Settlement Growth
Z Wang, F Bachofer, J Koehler, J Huth, T Hoeser, M Marconcini, T Esch, ...
Land 11 (8), 1174, 2022
The hazard of locust outbreaks-Examples from EO to support locust management
I Klein, S van der Woude, F Schwarzenbacher, C Eisfelder, S Uereyen, ...
Global Offshore Wind Energy Infrastrucutre Dynamics Derived from Sentinel-1 Imagery with CNNs based on Synthetic Training Data
T Höser, F Bachofer, C Künzer
Global Dynamics of the Offshore Wind Energy Sector Derived from Earth Observation Data-Deep Learning Based Object Detection Optimised with Synthetic Training Data for Offshore …
T Höser
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, 2022
Potentiale satellitenbasierter Zeitserien für das Küstenmonitoring
J Huth, M Ottinger, T Höser, P Reiners, F Bachofer
An Introduction to Deep Learning with CNNs Applied on Earth Observation Data
T Hoeser, F Bachofer, C Kuenzer
https://www.researchgate.net/publication …, 2020
Rock glaciers and the sediment dynamics in arid mountain belts
JH Blöthe, T Höser, S Rosenwinkel, O Korup
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-16746, 2016
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