Samuel Essler
Samuel Essler
PhD · Professor (Interim) at Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU)
Підтверджена електронна адреса в ku.de
Children’s psychological well-being and problem behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic: An online study during the lockdown period in Germany
N Christner, S Essler, A Hazzam, M Paulus
PloS one 16 (6), e0253473, 2021
Longitudinal relations between parental strain, parent–child relationship quality, and child well-being during the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic
S Essler, N Christner, M Paulus
Child Psychiatry & Human Development 52 (6), 995-1011, 2021
Equality, equity, or inequality duplication? How preschoolers distribute necessary and luxury resources between rich and poor others
S Essler, AC Lepach, F Petermann, M Paulus
Social Development 29 (1), 110-125, 2020
Why do preschoolers perpetuate inequalities? Theoretical perspectives on inequity preferences in the face of emerging concerns for equality
M Paulus, S Essler
Developmental Review 58, 100933, 2020
Robin Hood or Matthew? Children’s reasoning about redistributive justice in the context of economic inequalities
S Essler, M Paulus
Child Development 92 (4), 1254-1273, 2021
Short-term and long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on child psychological well-being: a four-wave longitudinal study
S Essler, N Christner, M Paulus
European child & adolescent psychiatry 33 (3), 909-922, 2024
Paying it back and forward: The impact of experiencing and observing others’ sharing and stinginess on preschoolers’ own sharing behavior and expectations
M Wörle, S Essler, M Paulus
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 198, 104886, 2020
When do caregivers begin to view their child as a moral agent? Comparing moral and non-moral reactions to young children’s moral transgressions
S Essler, M Paulus
Journal of Moral Education 50 (3), 330-342, 2021
Compliance or empathy—What links maternal sensitivity and toddlers’ emotional helping?
T Becher, S Essler, C Pletti, M Paulus
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 226, 105547, 2023
Caregivers' everyday moral reasoning predicts young children's aggressive, prosocial, and moral development: Evidence from ambulatory assessment
S Essler, M Paulus
Infancy 27 (6), 1068-1090, 2022
Longitudinal evidence that infants develop their imitation abilities by being imitated
S Essler, T Becher, C Pletti, B Gniewosz, M Paulus
Current Biology, 2023
The ontogenetic emergence of normativity: How action imitation relates to infants’ norm enforcement
S Essler, N Christner, T Becher, M Paulus
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 227, 105591, 2023
“Who will share with me?”: Preschoolers rely on their friends more than on their nonfriends to share with them
S Lenz, S Essler, M Wörle, M Paulus
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 203, 105037, 2021
Preschoolers’ sharing expectations towards friends relate to their kindergarten peer status
S Essler, M Wörle, C Moore, M Paulus
British Journal of Developmental Psychology 38 (1), 1-14, 2020
Normative language understanding and behavioral compliance longitudinally predict 2.5-year-olds' social norm enforcement
S Essler, M Paulus
Cognitive Development 66, 101337, 2023
Originalarbeit: Prosoziales Verhalten bei Vorschulkindern mit Sprachentwicklungsstörungen
M Paulus, J Erbe, J Wolfsperger, S Essler, M Wörle
Frühförderung interdisziplinär 39 (3), 120-136, 2020
Caregivers’ Social Conformity Predicts Their Judgments of Toddlers’ Moral Agency
S Essler, M Paulus
Early Education and Development 36 (2), 327-342, 2025
When Private Property Becomes a Public Issue: The Development of Redistributive Justice in Response to Individually and Structurally Based Inequalities
S Essler, J Bullinger, M Paulus
Journal of Cognition and Development, 1-24, 2024
The developmental interplay of parental stress, parent-child relationship quality, and child well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic
S Essler
lmu, 2022
Dynamiken menschlicher Entwicklung: eine psycho-soziologische Annäherung
S Essler
Wochenschau Verlag, 2018
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