Thomas Schlösser
Thomas Schlösser
Інші іменаThomas Schloesser
Professor of Economic Psychology, South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences
Підтверджена електронна адреса в fh-swf.de - Домашня сторінка
Why are religious people happy? The effect of the social norm of religiosity across countries
O Stavrova, D Fetchenhauer, T Schlösser
Social science research 42 (1), 90-105, 2013
How unaware are the unskilled? Empirical tests of the “signal extraction” counterexplanation for the Dunning–Kruger effect in self-evaluation of performance
T Schlösser, D Dunning, KL Johnson, J Kruger
Journal of Economic Psychology 39, 85-100, 2013
Trust at zero acquaintance: more a matter of respect than expectation of reward.
D Dunning, JE Anderson, T Schlösser, D Ehlebracht, D Fetchenhauer
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 107 (1), 122, 2014
Punitive versus compensatory reactions to injustice: Emotional antecedents to third-party interventions
S Lotz, TG Okimoto, T Schlösser, D Fetchenhauer
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47 (2), 477-480, 2011
Trust as a social and emotional act: Noneconomic considerations in trust behavior
D Dunning, D Fetchenhauer, TM Schlösser
Journal of Economic Psychology 33 (3), 686-694, 2012
Economic games
A Baumert, T Schlösser, M Schmitt
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2014
Individual differences in third‐party interventions: How justice sensitivity shapes altruistic punishment
S Lotz, A Baumert, T Schlösser, F Gresser, D Fetchenhauer
Negotiation and Conflict Management Research 4 (4), 297-313, 2011
What a feeling: the role of immediate and anticipated emotions in risky decisions
T Schlösser, D Dunning, D Fetchenhauer
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 26 (1), 13-30, 2013
Are the unemployed equally unhappy all around the world? The role of the social norms to work and welfare state provision in 28 OECD countries
O Stavrova, T Schlösser, D Fetchenhauer
Journal of Economic Psychology 32 (1), 159-171, 2011
Trust in social dilemmas
PAM Van Lange, B Rockenbach, T Yamagishi
Oxford University Press, 2017
The psychology of respect: A case study of how behavioral norms regulate human action
D Dunning, D Fetchenhauer, T Schlösser
Advances in motivation science 3, 1-34, 2016
Why People Trust: Solved Puzzles and Open Mysteries
D Dunning, D Fetchenhauer, T Schlösser
Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2019
Sensibilität für ungerechtigkeit
M Schmitt, A Baumert, D Fetchenhauer, M Gollwitzer, T Rothmund, ...
Psychologische Rundschau 60 (1), 8-22, 2009
Cohabitation, gender, and happiness: A cross-cultural study in thirty countries
O Stavrova, D Fetchenhauer, T Schlösser
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 43 (7), 1063-1081, 2012
Are virtuous people happy all around the world? Civic virtue, antisocial punishment, and subjective well-being across cultures
O Stavrova, T Schlösser, D Fetchenhauer
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 39 (7), 927-942, 2013
Trust against all odds? Emotional dynamics in trust behavior.
T Schlösser, D Fetchenhauer, D Dunning
Decision 3 (3), 216, 2016
Trust and rationality: Shifting normative analyses of risks involving other people versus nature
T Schlösser, O Mensching, D Dunning, D Fetchenhauer
Social Cognition 33 (5), 459-482, 2015
The (in) stability of social preferences: Using justice sensitivity to predict when altruism collapses
S Lotz, T Schlösser, DM Cain, D Fetchenhauer
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 93, 141-148, 2013
The varying roles played by emotion in economic decision making
D Dunning, D Fetchenhauer, T Schlösser
Current opinion in behavioral sciences 15, 33-38, 2017
The mysteries of trust: Trusting too little and too much at the same time.
D Fetchenhauer, D Dunning, T Schlösser
Oxford University Press, 2017
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