Morgane Brosse
Morgane Brosse
Eawag & WSL (ETH Zurich)
Підтверджена електронна адреса в eawag.ch
Precise age for the Permian–Triassic boundary in South China from high-precision U-Pb geochronology and Bayesian age–depth modeling
B Baresel, H Bucher, M Brosse, F Cordey, K Guodun, U Schaltegger
Solid Earth 8 (2), 361-378, 2017
Competition in slow motion: the unusual case of benthic marine communities in the wake of the end‐P ermian mass extinction
M Hautmann, B Bagherpour, M Brosse, Å Frisk, R Hofmann, A Baud, ...
Palaeontology 58 (5), 871-901, 2015
Quantitative biochronology of the Permian–Triassic boundary in South China based on conodont unitary associations
M Brosse, H Bucher, N Goudemand
Earth-Science Reviews 155, 153-171, 2016
Timing of global regression and microbial bloom linked with the Permian-Triassic boundary mass extinction: implications for driving mechanisms
B Baresel, H Bucher, B Bagherpour, M Brosse, K Guodun, U Schaltegger
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 43630, 2017
Onset, development, and cessation of basal Early Triassic microbialites (BETM) in the Nanpanjiang pull-apart Basin, South China Block
B Bagherpour, H Bucher, A Baud, M Brosse, T Vennemann, R Martini, ...
Gondwana Research 44, 178-204, 2017
Ammonoid recovery after the Permian–Triassic mass extinction: a re-exploration of morphological and phylogenetic diversity patterns
M Brosse, A Brayard, E Fara, P Neige
Journal of the Geological Society 170 (2), 225-236, 2013
Conodonts from the E arly T riassic microbialite of G uangxi (S outh C hina): implications for the definition of the base of the T riassic S ystem
M Brosse, H Bucher, B Bagherpour, A Baud, ÅM Frisk, K Guodun, ...
Palaeontology 58 (3), 563-584, 2015
Conodont-based Griesbachian biochronology of the Guryul Ravine section (basal Triassic, Kashmir, India)
M Brosse, A Baud, GM Bhat, H Bucher, M Leu, T Vennemann, ...
Geobios 50 (5-6), 359-387, 2017
Linking human impacts to community processes in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems
IR McFadden, A Sendek, M Brosse, PM Bach, M Baity‐Jesi, J Bolliger, ...
Ecology Letters 26 (2), 203-218, 2023
New data from Oman indicate benthic high biomass productivity coupled with low taxonomic diversity in the aftermath of the Permian–Triassic Boundary mass extinction
M Brosse, H Bucher, A Baud, ÅM Frisk, N Goudemand, H Hagdorn, ...
Lethaia 52 (2), 165-187, 2019
Smithian ammonoid faunas from northeastern Nevada: implications for Early Triassic biostratigraphy and correlation within the western USA basin.
R Jattiot, H Bucher, A Brayard, M Brosse, JF Jenks, KG Bylund
Palaeontographica A 309 (1-4), 1-89, 2017
The importance of indirect effects of climate change adaptations on alpine and pre‐alpine freshwater systems
M Brosse, S Benateau, A Gaudard, C Stamm, F Altermatt
Ecological Solutions and Evidence 3 (1), e12127, 2022
Evolutionary trends of Triassic ammonoids
C Monnet, A Brayard, M Brosse
Ammonoid Paleobiology: From macroevolution to paleogeography, 25-50, 2015
A Unitary Association-based conodont biozonation of the Smithian–Spathian boundary (Early Triassic) and associated biotic crisis from South China
M Leu, H Bucher, T Vennemann, B Bagherpour, C Ji, M Brosse, ...
Swiss Journal of Palaeontology 141 (1), 19, 2022
Earthquake induced soft sediment deformation (seismites): new data from the Early Triassic Guryul Ravine section (Kashmir)
M Leu, A Baud, M Brosse, N Goudemand, T Vennemann, M Meier, G Bhat, ...
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 1, 2014
Reply to the Comment on “Quantitative biochronology of the Permian–Triassic boundary in South China based on conodont unitary associations”
M Brosse, H Bucher, N Goudemand
Earth-Science Reviews 164, 259-261, 2017
The oldest record of gnathostome fossils from Greece: Chondrichthyes from the Lopingian of Hydra Island
T Argyriou, C Romano, JD Carrillo-Briceño, M Brosse, R Hofmann
Palaeontologia Electronica, 1-9, 2017
Unusually diverse mollusc assemblages from the early Triassic (Griesbachian) of South China
Å Frisk, H Bucher, M Hautmann, A Baud, M Brosse, K Guodun
2012 GSA Annual Meeting in Charlotte, 2012
Carbonate factory in the aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction: Griesbachian crinoidal limestones from Oman
A Baud, N Goudemand, A Nützel, M Brosse, Å Frisk, M Meier, H Bucher
Ber. Inst. Erdwiss. K.-F.-Univ. Graz 21, 2015
Stromatactis limestone below and above the permian-triassic boundary event: evidence of sponge microbial build-up
A Baud, H Bucher, M Brosse, A Frisk, K Guodun
World Summit on P-Tr Mass Extinction & Extreme Climate Change. State Key …, 2013
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