Hanif Akhtar
Hanif Akhtar
Підтверджена електронна адреса в umm.ac.id - Домашня сторінка
Evaluasi properti psikometris dan perbandingan model pengukuran konstruk subjective well-being
H Akhtar
Jurnal Psikologi 18 (1), 29-40, 2019
Development and validation of a short scale for measuring big five personality traits: The IPIP-BFM-25 Indonesia
H Akhtar, S Azwar
Journal of innovation in psychology, education and didactics 22 (2), 155-174, 2018
Indonesian Adaptation and Psychometric Properties Evaluation of the Big Five Personality Inventory: IPIP-BFM-50
H Akhtar, S Azwar
Jurnal Psikologi 46 (1), 32–44, 2019
Perilaku Oversharing di Media Sosial: Ancaman atau Peluang?
H Akhtar
Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran Dan Penelitian Psikologi 25 (2), 257-270, 2020
Translation and validation of the Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) into Bahasa Indonesia
A Hanif
International Journal of Research Studies in Psychology 7 (2), 59-69, 2018
Intelligence and creativity: an investigation of threshold theory and its implications.
H Akhtar, Y Kartika
Journal of Educational Sciences & Psychology 9 (1), 131-138, 2019
Game-based learning: teachers’ attitude and intention to use Quizizz in the learning process
H Akhtar, N Hasanati
The 2nd International Conference on Educational Assessment and Policy, 49-54, 2019
Eksplorasi motivasi relawan: Sebuah perspektif indigenous psychology
H Akhtar, RE Pertiwi, MF Mashuri
Jurnal Psikologi Sosial 19 (3), 206-216, 2020
Test-taking motivation and performance: Do self-report and time-based measures of effort reflect the same aspects of test-taking motivation?
H Akhtar, R Firdiyanti
Learning and Individual Differences 106, 102323, 2023
Perspektif Kultural untuk Pengembangan Pengukuran Kebahagiaan Orang Jawa
H Akhtar
Buletin Psikologi 26 (1), 54-63, 2018
The effect of computerized adaptive testing on motivation and anxiety: a systematic review and meta-analysis
H Akhtar, Silfiasari, B Vekety, K Kovacs
Assessment 30 (5), 1379-1390, 2023
Quarter-life crisis: Personal growth initiative as a moderator of uncertainty intolerance in psychological distress
AI Balqis, D Karmiyati, C Suryaningrum, H Akhtar
Psikohumaniora: Jurnal Penelitian Psikologi 8 (1), 19-34, 2023
Predicting Participation in Volunteering Based on Personality Characteristics
H Akhtar
Journal of Educational, Health, and Community Psychology 8 (2), 32-44, 2019
The Role of Self-Esteem and Perceived Parental Mediation in Cyberbullying
A Reginasari, T Afiatin, H Akhtar
Jurnal Psikologi 48 (2), 46-56, 2021
The pursuit of happiness: Predicting happiness based on anchor theory
H Akhtar, A Firmanto
Indigenous: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi 6 (1), 16-23, 2021
Penyusunan dan Identifikasi Properti Psikometris Skala Strategi Koping Akademik pada Mahasiswa
H Akhtar, AF Helmi
Humanitas: Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia 14 (2), 164-175, 2017
Perilaku Oversharing di Media Sosial: Ancaman atau Peluang? Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran Dan Penelitian Psikologi, 25 (2), 257–270
H Akhtar
A Rasch analysis of the International Personality Item Pool Big Five Markers Questionnaire: Is longer better?
H Akhtar, B Sumintono
Primenjena psihologija 16 (1), 3-28, 2023
Intolerance of Uncertainty, Anxiety And Depression In The Context Of Covid-19 In Indonesia.
MS Yuniardi, M Cant, H Akhtar
Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies 21 (2), 2021
Psychological well-being of volunteer teacher trainers in the remote area in Indonesia
H Akhtar
International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences 3 (9), 840-849, 2017
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