Vernon Chinene
Projecting maize yield under local‐scale climate change scenarios using crop models: Sensitivity to sowing dates, cultivar, and nitrogen fertilizer rates
CB Chisanga, E Phiri, VRN Chinene, LM Chabala
Food and Energy Security 9 (4), e231, 2020
Statistical downscaling of precipitation and temperature using long ashton research station weather generator in Zambia: a case of mount makulu agriculture research station
CB Chisanga, E Phiri, VRN Chinene
American Journal of Climate Change 6 (03), 487, 2017
Climate change impact on maize (Zea mays L.) yield using crop simulation and statistical downscaling models: A review
CB Chisanga, E Phiri, VRN Chinene
Sci. Res. Essays 12, 167-187, 2017
Land evaluation using the FAO Framework: an example from Zambia
VRN Chinene
Soil use and management 8 (3), 130-138, 1992
Trends of extreme events in precipitation and temperature during the 1963–2012 period at Mt Makulu, Zambia
C Chisanga, E Phiri, V Chinene
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A comparison of customary and leasehold tenure: Agriculture and development in Zambia
VRN Chinene, F Maimbo, DJ Banda, SC Msune
Land reform, land settlement and cooperatives 2, 88-99, 1998
The Zambian land evaluation system (ZLES)
VRN Chinene
Soil use and management 7 (1), 21-29, 1991
Evaluating APSIM-and-DSSAT-CERES-Maize models under rainfed conditions using zambian rainfed maize cultivars
CB Chisanga, E Phiri, VRN Chinene
Nitrogen 2 (4), 392-414, 2021
Land tenure and agricultural development in customary areas: results from eastern and southern provinces
F Place, VRN Chinene, M Hansungule, F Maimbo
Land tenure, land markets, and institutional transformation in Zambia, 1995
Reliability of rain-fed maize yield simulation using LARS-WG derived CMIP5 climate data at Mount Makulu, Zambia
CB Chisanga, E Phiri, VRN Chinene
J. Agric. Sci 12 (275), 10.5539, 2020
Evaluation of sowing date and fertilization with nitrogen in maize cultivars in rainy conditions in Zambia
CB Chisanga, E Phiri, VRN Chinene
African Journal of Plant Science 13 (8), 221-230, 2019
Statistical bias correction of fifth coupled model intercomparison project data from the CGIAR research program on climate change, agriculture and food security-Climate portal …
CB Chisanga, E Phiri, VRN Chinene
Br. J. Appl. Sci. Technol 21 (4), 2017
Cropping and soil management systems and their effect on soil productivity in Zambia. A review.
OI Lungu, VRN Chinene
Detailed soil survey and Land evaluation of the University of Zambia farm
VRN Chinene
Soil survey report, 1988
Land evaluation of the proposed Musaba state farm in Samfya District, Zambia.
VRN Chinene, V Shitumbanuma
Measuring soil loss in different land-use systems on an Oxic Paleustalf in Lusitu, Zambia.
VRN Chinene, D Mbewe, D Lungu
Aspects of compaction, water transmissibility, and erosion on a kaolinitic clay soil.
JS Lenvain, VRN Chinene, KS Gill, PLL Pauwelyn
Tobacco substitutability and its effect on producer revenue and foreign exchange earnings under smallholder agriculture in Malawi
M Kachulu, L Rasche, U Schnieder, V Chinene
African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 13 (4), 331-344, 2018
Soil ecology and conservation in the tropics
VRN Chinene, S Dynoodt
Tropical ecosystems: a synthesis of tropical ecology and conservation …, 1994
Land and Tree Legislation, Customary Tenure, and Agroforestry Practices in Eastern and Southern Provinces of Zambia
VRN Chinene, M Hansungule, F Maimbo, F Mwape, F Place
Research paper. Madison: Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin, 1993
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