Tomas Margalef
Support vector machines: Theory and applications
T Evgeniou, M Pontil
Advanced course on artificial intelligence, 249-257, 1999
Dynamic data-driven genetic algorithm for forest fire spread prediction
M Denham, K Wendt, G Bianchini, A Cortés, T Margalef
Journal of Computational Science 3 (5), 398-404, 2012
Wildland fire growth prediction method based on multiple overlapping solution
G Bianchini, M Denham, A Cortés, T Margalef, E Luque
Journal of Computational Science 1 (4), 229-237, 2010
Applying a dynamic data driven genetic algorithm to improve forest fire spread prediction
M Denham, A Cortés, T Margalef, E Luque
International Conference on Computational Science, 36-45, 2008
Automatic performance evaluation of parallel programs
A Espinosa, T Margalef, E Luque
Proceedings of the Sixth Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed …, 1998
A distributed diffusion method for dynamic load balancing on parallel computers
E Luque, A Ripoll, A Cortes, T Margalef
Proceedings Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing, 43-50, 1995
Enhancing wildland fire prediction on cluster systems applying evolutionary optimization techniques
B Abdalhaq, A Cortés, T Margalef, E Luque
Future Generation Computer Systems 21 (1), 61-67, 2005
Mate: Monitoring, analysis and tuning environment for parallel/distributed applications
A Morajko, P Caymes‐Scutari, T Margalef, E Luque
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19 (11), 1517-1531, 2007
Wind field uncertainty in forest fire propagation prediction
G Sanjuan, C Brun, T Margalef, A Cortés
Procedia Computer Science 29, 1535-1545, 2014
Injecting dynamic real-time data into a DDDAS for forest fire behavior prediction
R Rodríguez, A Cortés, T Margalef
International Conference on Computational Science, 489-499, 2009
Time aware genetic algorithm for forest fire propagation prediction: exploiting multi‐core platforms
T Artés, A Cencerrado, A Cortés, T Margalef
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 29 (9), e3837, 2017
Relieving the effects of uncertainty in forest fire spread prediction by hybrid mpi-openmp parallel strategies
T Artés, A Cencerrado, A Cortés, T Margalef
Procedia Computer Science 18, 2278-2287, 2013
Design and implementation of a dynamic tuning environment
A Morajko, T Margalef, E Luque
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 67 (4), 474-490, 2007
MATE: Dynamic performance tuning environment
A Morajko, O Morajko, T Margalef, E Luque
European Conference on Parallel Processing, 98-107, 2004
Response time assessment in forest fire spread simulation: An integrated methodology for efficient exploitation of available prediction time
A Cencerrado, A Cortés, T Margalef
Environmental Modelling & Software 54, 153-164, 2014
Coupling wind dynamics into a DDDAS forest fire propagation prediction system
C Brun, T Artées, T Margalef, A Cortées
Procedia Computer Science 9, 1110-1118, 2012
Forest fire propagation prediction based on overlapping DDDAS forecasts
T Artes, A Cardil, A Cortés, T Margalef, D Molina, L Pelegrín, J Ramírez
Procedia Computer Science 51, 1623-1632, 2015
Knowledge-guided genetic algorithm for input parameter optimisation in environmental modelling
K Wendt, A Cortés, T Margalef
Procedia Computer Science 1 (1), 1367-1375, 2010
Improved prediction methods for wildfires using high performance computing: A comparison
G Bianchini, A Cortés, T Margalef, E Luque
International Conference on Computational Science, 539-546, 2006
Computational steering strategy to calibrate input variables in a dynamic data driven genetic algorithm for forest fire spread prediction
M Denham, A Cortés, T Margalef
International Conference on Computational Science, 479-488, 2009
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