Giulia Fioravanti
Giulia Fioravanti
Підтверджена електронна адреса в unifi.it
Adolescent Internet addiction: testing the association between self-esteem, the perception of Internet attributes, and preference for online social interactions
G Fioravanti, D Dèttore, S Casale
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 15 (6), 318-323, 2012
The role of life events and HPA axis in anxiety disorders: a review
C Faravelli, C Lo Sauro, L Lelli, F Pietrini, L Lazzeretti, L Godini, L Benni, ...
Current pharmaceutical design 18 (35), 5663-5674, 2012
Exploring the role of positive metacognitions in explaining the association between the fear of missing out and social media addiction
S Casale, L Rugai, G Fioravanti
Addictive behaviors 85, 83-87, 2018
Why narcissists are at risk for developing Facebook addiction: The need to be admired and the need to belong
S Casale, G Fioravanti
Addictive behaviors 76, 312-318, 2018
Childhood stressful events, HPA axis and anxiety disorders
C Faravelli, CL Sauro, L Godini, L Lelli, L Benni, F Pietrini, L Lazzeretti, ...
World journal of psychiatry 2 (1), 13, 2012
Fear of missing out and social networking sites use and abuse: A meta-analysis
G Fioravanti, S Casale, SB Benucci, A Prostamo, A Falone, V Ricca, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 122, 106839, 2021
Positive metacognitions about Internet use: The mediating role in the relationship between emotional dysregulation and problematic use
S Casale, SE Caplan, G Fioravanti
Addictive behaviors 59, 84-88, 2016
Satisfying needs through Social Networking Sites: A pathway towards problematic Internet use for socially anxious people?
S Casale, G Fioravanti
Addictive behaviors reports 1, 34-39, 2015
How the exposure to beauty ideals on social networking sites influences body image: A systematic review of experimental studies
G Fioravanti, S Bocci Benucci, G Ceragioli, S Casale
Adolescent research review 7 (3), 419-458, 2022
Emotional eating in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
V Ricca, G Castellini, G Fioravanti, CL Sauro, F Rotella, C Ravaldi, ...
Comprehensive psychiatry 53 (3), 245-251, 2012
Psychometric evaluation of the generalized problematic internet use scale 2 in an Italian sample
G Fioravanti, C Primi, S Casale
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 16 (10), 761-766, 2013
The effects of the fear of missing out on people's social networking sites use during the COVID-19 pandemic: the mediating role of online relational closeness and individuals …
F Gioia, G Fioravanti, S Casale, V Boursier
Frontiers in Psychiatry 12, 620442, 2021
Grandiose and vulnerable narcissists: Who is at higher risk for social networking addiction?
S Casale, G Fioravanti, L Rugai
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 19 (8), 510-515, 2016
The association between psychological well-being and problematic use of Internet communicative services among young people
S Casale, S Lecchi, G Fioravanti
The Journal of psychology 149 (5), 480-497, 2015
Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Italian version of the fear of missing out scale in emerging adults and adolescents
S Casale, G Fioravanti
Addictive behaviors 102, 106179, 2020
Psychosocial correlates of internet use among Italian students
S Casale, G Fioravanti
International Journal of Psychology 46 (4), 288-298, 2011
Multiple exposure to appearance-focused real accounts on Instagram: Effects on body image among both genders
S Casale, G Gemelli, C Calosi, B Giangrasso, G Fioravanti
Current Psychology 40, 2877-2886, 2021
Taking a short break from Instagram: The effects on subjective well-being
G Fioravanti, A Prostamo, S Casale
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 23 (2), 107-112, 2020
Preference for online social interactions among young people: Direct and indirect effects of emotional intelligence
S Casale, L Tella, G Fioravanti
Personality and Individual differences 54 (4), 524-529, 2013
Social support and self-efficacy in patients with Myasthenia Gravis: a common pathway towards positive health outcomes
A Raggi, M Leonardi, R Mantegazza, S Casale, G Fioravanti
Neurological sciences 31, 231-235, 2010
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