Young-Jin Hur
Young-Jin Hur
London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London
Підтверджена електронна адреса в fashion.arts.ac.uk
Distracted by pleasure: Effects of positive versus negative valence on emotional capture under load.
R Gupta, YJ Hur, N Lavie
Emotion 16 (3), 328, 2016
Quantifying the if, the when, and the what of the sublime: A survey and latent class analysis of incidence, emotions, and distinct varieties of personal sublime experiences.
M Pelowski, YJ Hur, KN Cotter, T Ishizu, AP Christensen, H Leder, ...
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 15 (2), 216, 2021
Facing the sublime: Physiological correlates of the relationship between fear and the sublime.
YJ Hur, G Gerger, H Leder, IC McManus
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 14 (3), 253, 2020
Differentiating the visual aesthetics of the sublime and the beautiful: Selective effects of stimulus size, height, and color on sublimity and beauty ratings in photographs.
YJ Hur, C Hallam-Evans, Y Garfen, A Baiza, T Backhouse Spriggs, ...
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 2022
Can fashion aesthetics be studied empirically? The preference structure of everyday clothing choices
YJ Hur, NL Etcoff, ES Silva
Empirical Studies of the Arts 41 (2), 525-545, 2023
Representing the sublime in the VIMAP and empirical aesthetics: Reviving Edmund Burke’s A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origins of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful …
YJ Hur, IC McManus
Physics of life reviews 21, 135-137, 2017
An empirical aesthetics of the sublime and beautiful
YJ Hur
UCL (University College London), 2020
Cathedrals of sound: Predictors of the sublime and the beautiful in music, images, and music with images.
YJ Hur, R Medeisyte, IC McManus
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 2024
Understanding the psychology of fashion: Demographic, personality, and fashion factors underlying everyday clothing choices in the UK and USA
YJ Hur, N Segal, N Etcoff, ES Silva
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 2025
“I am now being who I am and I’m proud of it”: Hair related personal and social identity and subjective wellbeing of older Black women in the UK
G Daniels, A Khadaroo, YJ Hur, C Searing, D Terrelonge, H Zeilig
Journal of Women & Aging, 1-20, 2025
The beauty of nature without people: An investigation of the roles of people, nature, and interpersonal touch in painting preference
YJ Hur, S Abad-Hernando, R Joly-Mascheroni, MK Trupp, B Calvo-Merino
Empirical Studies of the Arts, 2024
Fashion psychology: The predictors of everyday clothing preference among UK and USA participants
YJ Hur, N Segal, N Etcoff, ES Silva
Hair ageing in Black women (age> 59): impact on personal and social identity and subjective wellbeing
G Daniels, YJ Hur, A Khadaroo, C Searing, D Terrelonge, H Zeilig
Hair ageing and quality of life for women of African descent living in the UK
G Daniels, YJ Hur, A Khadaroo, C Searing, H Zeilig
Love of art in the time of Corona; Contributions of social and aesthetic factors across stimulus-and rater-levels in predicting painting preference during the 2020 Coronavirus …
YJ Hur, S Abad-Hernando, R Joly-Mascheroni, MK Trupp, B Calvo-Merino
On the musical sublime: the effects of music on the beauty and sublimity of images
YJ Hur
The Great Beauty; the effects of presentation size and height of photographs on sublimity perception
YJ Hur, IC McManus
Perceiving sublimity and beauty in photographs: influences of physical properties
YJ Hur, C Hallam-Evans, Y Garfen, IC McManus
The Sublime, an empirical investigation
YJ Hur, IC McManus
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