Setyawan P Sakti
Setyawan P Sakti
Підтверджена електронна адреса в ub.ac.id
Thick polystyrene-coated quartz crystal microbalance as a basis of a cost effective immunosensor
SP Sakti, S Rösler, R Lucklum, P Hauptmann, F Bühling, S Ansorge
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 76 (1-3), 98-102, 1999
Disposable HSA QCM-immunosensor for practical measurement in liquid
SP Sakti, P Hauptmann, B Zimmermann, F Bühling, S Ansorge
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 78 (1-3), 257-262, 2001
Disposable TSM-biosensor based on viscosity changes of the contacting medium
SP Sakti, R Lucklum, P Hauptmann, F Bühling, S Ansorge
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 16 (9-12), 1101-1108, 2001
Aulanni’am (2012) Improvement of Biomolecule Immobilization on Polystyrene Surface by Increasing Surface Roughness
SP Sakti, D Santjojo, SN Saputri
J Biosens Bioelectron 3 (119), 2, 2012
Pengantar Teknologi Sensor: Prinsip Dasar Sensor Besaran Mekanik
SP Sakti
Universitas Brawijaya Press, 2017
Evaluation of glycidyl methacrylate-based monolith functionalized with weak anion exchange moiety inside 0.5 mm id column for liquid chromatographic separation of DNA
AN Tasfiyati, ED Iftitah, SP Sakti, A Sabarudin
Analytical Chemistry Research 7, 9-16, 2016
Development of QCM biosensor with specific cow milk protein antibody for candidate milk adulteration detection
SP Sakti, N Chabibah, SP Ayu, MC Padaga, A Aulanni’am
Journal of Sensors 2016 (1), 1807647, 2016
Effect of electron density and temperature in oxygen plasma treatment of polystyrene surface
Masruroh, D Santjojo, Abdurrouf, MA Abdillah, MC Padaga, SP Sakti
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 515, 012061, 2019
High-resolution multiple channel frequency counter using spartan-3E FPGA
MA Syahbana, DJHD Santjojo, SP Sakti
2016 International Seminar on Sensors, Instrumentation, Measurement and …, 2016
Stability of polystyrene film surface wettability modified using oxygen plasma
PS Arinda, DJDH Santjojo, M Masruroh, SP Sakti
Materials Today: Proceedings 13, 24-29, 2019
The peak of the PQRST and the trajectory path of each cycle of the ECG 12-lead wave
S Setiawidayat, D Sargowo, SP Sakti, S Andarini
Indones. J. Electr. Eng. Comput. Sci 4 (1), 169-175, 2016
Mekanika I
G Saroja, SP Sakti
Universitas Brawijaya Press, 2017
Determining the ECG 1 cycle wave using Discrete data
S Setiawidayat, MR Indra, D Sargowo, S Sakti
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 88 (1), 107, 2016
Penentuan Ketebalan Lapisan Polistiren dan Zinc Phthalocyanine (ZnPc) dengan Modifikasi Persamaan Sauerbrey dan Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
LA Didik, E Rahmawati, F Robiandi, S Rahayu, A Abdurrouf, DH Santjojo, ...
Natural B 2 (4), 331-335, 2014
Recent Advances of Hepatitis B Detection towards Paper‐Based Analytical Devices
AA Tyas, SF Raeni, SP Sakti, A Sabarudin
The Scientific World Journal 2021 (1), 6643573, 2021
Stearic acid coating material loading effect to quartz crystal microbalance sensor
SP Sakti, DD Kamasi, NF Khusnah
Materials Today: Proceedings 13, 53-58, 2019
Effect of UV radiation duration and molecular weight to hydrophobicity and surface roughness of polystyrene coating on QCM sensor
SP Sakti, L Amaliya, NF Khusnah, M Masruroh
Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 79 (3), 2017
Examining use of sonic bloom technology on the stomata opening of drought-stressed soybean
I Pujiwati, B Guritno, N Aini, SP Sakti
Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, 2018
Surface modification of polystyrene coating on qcm sensor using ambient air plasma at low pressure
SP Sakti, NF Khusnah, D Santjojo, A Sabarudin
Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (7), 15149-15154, 2018
Dual Channel high precision 26 bit frequency counter using CPLD XC95108XL for QCM sensor system
SP Sakti
International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering 4 (3), 239, 2014
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