Teema Thomas
Teema Thomas
Підтверджена електронна адреса в nitk.edu.in
Synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Myristica fragrans seed shell: assessment of antibacterial, antioxidant properties and photocatalytic degradation of dyes
T Thomas, AK Thalla
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 11 (2), 109585, 2023
Review on microbial decolourisation of textile dyes
V Karthik, K Saravanan, T Thomas, M Devi
Journal of chemical and pharmaceutical sciences 7 (4), 293-300, 2014
Nutmeg seed shell biochar as an effective adsorbent for removal of remazol brilliant blue reactive dye: kinetic, isotherm, and thermodynamic study
T Thomas, AK Thalla
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 44 …, 2022
Removal of copper from bioleachate of e-waste using orange activated carbon (OAC) and comparison with commercial activated carbon (CAC)
J Senophiyah-Mary, T Thomas, R Loganath, T Meenambal
Waste Valorisation and Recycling: 7th IconSWM—ISWMAW 2017, Volume 2, 373-383, 2019
Optimisation of Copper Removal from E-Waste Using Bioleaching Technique by Activated Mosambi Peels
J Senophiyah-Mary, T Thomas, R Loganath, T Meenambal
Waste Valorisation and Recycling: 7th IconSWM—ISWMAW 2017, Volume 2, 363-371, 2019
Removal of copper from bioleachate of E-waste using lemon activated carbon (LAC) and comparison with commercial activated carbon (CAC)
J Senophiyah-Mary, T Thomas, R Loganath, T Meenambal
Waste Valorisation and Recycling: 7th IconSWM—ISWMAW 2017, Volume 2, 385-395, 2019
A Study on Selection of the Biofilm for the Hybrid Up-Flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (HUASB) Reactor Using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis
R Loganath, J Senophiyah-Mary, T Thomas
Emerging Technologies for Waste Valorization and Environmental Protection, 19-27, 2020
Utilisation of Nutmeg Seed Shell-Based Materials for Micropollutant Remediation
T Thomas
National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, 2023
Removal of Copper from Bioleachate of E-Waste Using Lemon Activated
J Senophiyah-Mary, T Thomas, R Loganath, T Meenambal
Waste Valorisation and Recycling: 7th IconSWM—ISWMAW 2017, Volume 2, 385, 2019
Technique by Activated Mosambi Peels
J Senophiyah-Mary, T Thomas, R Loganath, T Meenambal
Waste Valorisation and Recycling: 7th IconSWM—ISWMAW 2017, Volume 2, 363, 2019
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