Abhishek Jaiswal
Abhishek Jaiswal
Підтверджена електронна адреса в illinois.edu
Atomic-scale dynamics of a model glass-forming metallic liquid: Dynamical crossover, dynamical decoupling, and dynamical clustering
A Jaiswal, T Egami, Y Zhang
Physical Review B 91 (13), 134204, 2015
Correlation between Fragility and the Arrhenius Crossover Phenomenon in Metallic, Molecular, and Network Liquids
A Jaiswal, T Egami, KF Kelton, KS Schweizer, Y Zhang
Physical Review Letters 117 (20), 205701, 2016
LiquidLib: A comprehensive toolbox for analyzing classical and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of liquids and liquid-like matter with applications to neutron …
NP Walter, A Jaiswal, Z Cai, Y Zhang
Computer Physics Communications 228, 209-218, 2018
Dynamic Odd–Even Effect in Liquid n‐Alkanes near Their Melting Points
K Yang, Z Cai, A Jaiswal, M Tyagi, JS Moore, Y Zhang
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55 (45), 14090-14095, 2016
Onset of Cooperative Dynamics in an Equilibrium Glass-Forming Metallic Liquid
A Jaiswal, S O’Keeffe, R Mills, A Podlesynak, G Ehlers, W Dmowski, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120 (6), 1142-1148, 2016
Coincidence of collective relaxation anomaly and specific heat peak in a bulk metallic glass-forming liquid
A Jaiswal, A Podlesynak, G Ehlers, R Mills, S O'Keeffe, J Stevick, ...
Physical Review B 92 (2), 024202, 2015
A numerical study on parameters affecting boric acid transport and chemistry within fuel corrosion deposits during crud induced power shift
A Jaiswal
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2013
Atomic dynamics of metallic glass melts and studied by quasielastic neutron scattering
P Luo, A Jaiswal, Y Zhai, Z Cai, NP Walter, L Zhou, D Ding, M Liu, R Mills, ...
Physical Review B 103 (22), 224104, 2021
Robustness of Dynamical Cluster Analysis in a Glass-Forming Metallic Liquid using an Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithm
A Jaiswal, Y Zhang
MRS Advances 1 (26), 1929-1934, 2016
First Principles Analysis of Heat Exchanger Concepts and Designs for a Closed CO2 Brayton Cycle with Regeneration for a Lunar Fission to Surface Power System
D Crawford, N Jerred, D Chang, A Jaiswal, S Reddy, S Howe
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of …, 2011
Coherent quasi-elastic neutron scattering studies of the collective diffusion of glass-forming metallic liquids
A Jaiswal, Y Zhang
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 110, 942-943, 2014
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