Joko Siswantoro
Joko Siswantoro
Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Informatics Engineering, University of Surabaya
Підтверджена електронна адреса в staff.ubaya.ac.id - Домашня сторінка
Evaluation of the engine performance and exhaust emissions of biodiesel-bioethanol-diesel blends using kernel-based extreme learning machine
AS Silitonga, HH Masjuki, HC Ong, AH Sebayang, S Dharma, F Kusumo, ...
Energy 159, 1075-1087, 2018
Biodiesel synthesis from Ceiba pentandra oil by microwave irradiation-assisted transesterification: ELM modeling and optimization
AS Silitonga, AH Shamsuddin, TMI Mahlia, J Milano, F Kusumo, ...
Renewable Energy 146, 1278-1291, 2020
Biodiesel production from Calophyllum inophyllum-Ceiba pentandra oil mixture: Optimization and characterization
HC Ong, J Milano, AS Silitonga, MH Hassan, CT Wang, TMI Mahlia, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 219, 183-198, 2019
An android based course attendance system using face recognition
D Sunaryono, J Siswantoro, R Anggoro
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2021
Optimization of transesterification process for Ceiba pentandra oil: A comparative study between kernel-based extreme learning machine and artificial neural networks
F Kusumo, AS Silitonga, HH Masjuki, HC Ong, J Siswantoro, TMI Mahlia
Energy 134, 24-34, 2017
A linear model based on Kalman filter for improving neural network classification performance
J Siswantoro, AS Prabuwono, A Abdullah, B Idrus
Expert Systems with Applications 49, 112-122, 2016
Estimating gas concentration using artificial neural network for electronic nose
SI Sabilla, R Sarno, J Siswantoro
Procedia Computer Science 124, 181-188, 2017
Optimization of biodiesel production from rice bran oil by ultrasound and infrared radiation using ANN-GWO
AH Sebayang, F Kusumo, J Milano, AH Shamsuddin, AS Silitonga, ...
Fuel 346, 128404, 2023
Volume measurement of food product with irregular shape using computer vision and Monte Carlo method: a framework
J Siswantoro, AS Prabuwono, A Abdulah
Procedia Technology 11, 764-770, 2013
Gradient boosting machines fusion for automatic epilepsy detection from EEG signals based on wavelet features
D Sunaryono, R Sarno, J Siswantoro
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 34 (10 …, 2022
Monte Carlo method with heuristic adjustment for irregularly shaped food product volume measurement
J Siswantoro, AS Prabuwono, A Abdullah, B Idrus
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 683048, 2014
Computer vision system for egg volume prediction using backpropagation neural network
J Siswantoro, MY Hilman, M Widiasri
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 273 (1), 012002, 2017
Volume Measurement Algorithm for Food Product with Irregular Shape using Computer Vision based on Monte Carlo Method.
J Siswantoro, AS Prabuwono, A Abdullah
Journal of Ict Research & Applications 8 (1), 2014
Real world coordinate from image coordinate using single calibrated camera based on analytic geometry
J Siswantoro, AS Prabuwono, A Abdullah
Soft Computing Applications and Intelligent Systems: Second International …, 2013
Automatic image segmentation using sobel operator and k-means clustering: A case study in volume measurement system for food products
J Siswantoro, AS Prabuwono, A Abdullah, B Idrus
2015 International Conference on Science in Information Technology (ICSITech …, 2015
Application of color and size measurement in food products inspection
J Siswantoro
Indonesian Journal of Information Systems (IJIS) 1 (2), 90-107, 2019
A rapid and accurate computer vision system for measuring the volume of axi-symmetric natural products based on cubic spline interpolation
J Siswantoro, E Asmawati, MZFN Siswantoro
Journal of Food Engineering 333, 111139, 2022
Indonesian fruits classification from image using MPEG‐7 descriptors and ensemble of simple classifiers
J Siswantoro, H Arwoko, M Widiasri
Journal of Food Process Engineering 43 (7), e13414, 2020
Image based leaf area measurement method using artificial neural network
J Siswantoro, IBM Artadana
2019 International Conference of Artificial Intelligence and Information …, 2019
A new framework for measuring volume of axisymmetric food products using computer vision system based on cubic spline interpolation
J Siswantoro, E Asmawati
2016 2nd International Conference on Science in Information Technology …, 2016
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