W. J. Nellis
W. J. Nellis
Підтверджена електронна адреса в fas.harvard.edu
Metallization of fluid molecular hydrogen at 140 GPa (1.4 Mbar)
ST Weir, AC Mitchell, WJ Nellis
Physical review letters 76 (11), 1860, 1996
Shock compression of aluminum, copper, and tantalum
AC Mitchell, WJ Nellis
Journal of Applied Physics 52 (5), 3363-3374, 1981
The equation of state of platinum to 660 GPa (6.6 Mbar)
NC Holmes, JA Moriarty, GR Gathers, WJ Nellis
Journal of Applied Physics 66 (7), 2962-2967, 1989
The ruby pressure standard to 150GPa
AD Chijioke, WJ Nellis, A Soldatov, IF Silvera
Journal of Applied Physics 98 (11), 2005
Equation of state and electrical conductivity of water and ammonia shocked to the 100 GPa (1 Mbar) pressure range
AC Mitchell, WJ Nellis
The Journal of Chemical Physics 76 (12), 6273-6281, 1982
Minimum metallic conductivity of fluid hydrogen at 140 GPa (1.4 Mbar)
WJ Nellis, ST Weir, AC Mitchell
Physical Review B 59 (5), 3434, 1999
Metals physics at ultrahigh pressure: Aluminum, copper, and lead as prototypes
WJ Nellis, JA Moriarty, AC Mitchell, M Ross, RG Dandrea, NW Ashcroft, ...
Physical review letters 60 (14), 1414, 1988
Equation‐of‐state data for molecular hydrogen and deuterium at shock pressures in the range 2–76 GPa (20–760 kbar) a
WJ Nellis, AC Mitchell, M Van Thiel, GJ Devine, RJ Trainor, N Brown
The Journal of chemical physics 79 (3), 1480-1486, 1983
Temperature measurements and dissociation of shock-compressed liquid deuterium and hydrogen
NC Holmes, M Ross, WJ Nellis
Physical Review B 52 (22), 15835, 1995
Shock compression of liquid argon, nitrogen, and oxygen to 90 GPa (900 kbar)
WJ Nellis, AC Mitchell
The Journal of Chemical Physics 73 (12), 6137-6145, 1980
Dynamic compression of materials: metallization of fluid hydrogen at high pressures
WJ Nellis
Reports on progress in physics 69 (5), 1479, 2006
The temperature of shock‐compressed water
GA Lyzenga, TJ Ahrens, WJ Nellis, AC Mitchell
The Journal of Chemical Physics 76 (12), 6282-6286, 1982
Shock-induced martensitic phase transformation of oriented graphite to diamond
DJ Erskine, WJ Nellis
Nature 349 (6307), 317-319, 1991
Interior structure of Neptune: comparison with Uranus
WB Hubbard, WJ Nellis, AC Mitchell, NC Holmes, SS Limaye, ...
Science 253 (5020), 648-651, 1991
Shock compression of liquid carbon monoxide and methane to 90 GPa (900 kbar)
WJ Nellis, FH Ree, M Van Thiel, AC Mitchell
The Journal of Chemical Physics 75 (6), 3055-3063, 1981
Phase transition in fluid nitrogen at high densities and temperatures
WJ Nellis, NC Holmes, AC Mitchell, M Van Thiel
Physical review letters 53 (17), 1661, 1984
Shock compression of liquid deuterium up to
GV Boriskov, AI Bykov, RI Il’Kaev, VD Selemir, GV Simakov, RF Trunin, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (9), 092104, 2005
Shock compression of liquid helium to 56 GPa (560 kbar)
WJ Nellis, NC Holmes, AC Mitchell, RJ Trainor, GK Governo, M Ross, ...
Physical Review Letters 53 (13), 1248, 1984
Equation-of-state, shock-temperature, and electrical-conductivity data of dense fluid nitrogen in the region of the dissociative phase transition
WJ Nellis, HB Radousky, DC Hamilton, AC Mitchell, NC Holmes, ...
Journal of Chemical Physics;(USA) 94 (3), 1991
Diagnostic system of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory two‐stage light‐gas gun
AC Mitchell, WJ Nellis
Review of scientific instruments 52 (3), 347-359, 1981
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