Lennart Robertsson
Lennart Robertsson
Підтверджена електронна адреса в BIPM.org
Optical frequency synthesis and comparison with uncertainty at the 10-19 level
LS Ma, Z Bi, A Bartels, L Robertsson, M Zucco, RS Windeler, G Wilpers, ...
Science 303 (5665), 1843-1845, 2004
The CIPM list of recommended frequency standard values: guidelines and procedures
F Riehle, P Gill, F Arias, L Robertsson
Metrologia 55 (2), 188, 2018
Delivery of high-stability optical and microwave frequency standards over an optical fiber network
J Ye, JL Peng, RJ Jones, KW Holman, JL Hall, DJ Jones, SA Diddams, ...
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 20 (7), 1459-1467, 2003
Absolute frequency atlas of molecular I/sub 2/lines at 532 nm
J Ye, L Robertsson, S Picard, LS Ma, JL Hall
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 48 (2), 544-549, 1999
The 8th International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters 2009: the first Key Comparison (CCM. G-K1) in the field of absolute gravimetry
Z Jiang, V Pálinkáš, FE Arias, J Liard, S Merlet, H Wilmes, L Vitushkin, ...
Metrologia 49 (6), 666, 2012
Femtosecond-laser-based optical clockwork with instability ≤6.3 × 10–16 in 1 s
SA Diddams, L Hollberg, LS Ma, L Robertsson
Optics Letters 27 (1), 58-60, 2002
A new method to determine the absolute mode number of a mode-locked femtosecond-laser comb used for absolute optical frequency measurements
LS Ma, M Zucco, S Picard, L Robertsson, RS Windeler
IEEE Journal of Selected topics in quantum electronics 9 (4), 1066-1071, 2003
Results from the fifth international comparison of absolute gravimeters, ICAG'97
L Robertsson, O Francis, J Faller, D Ruess, JM Delinte, L Vitushkin, ...
Metrologia 38 (1), 71, 2001
Frequency uncertainty for optically referenced femtosecond laser frequency combs
LS Ma, Z Bi, A Bartels, K Kim, L Robertsson, M Zucco, RS Windeler, ...
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 43 (2), 139-146, 2007
Nuclear ground-state spin of185Au and magnetic moments of 187, 188Au: Further evidence for coexisting nuclear shapes in this mass region
C Ekström, L Robertsson, S Ingelman, G Wannberg, I Ragnarsson, ...
Nuclear Physics A 348 (1), 25-44, 1980
Comparison of^ 127I_2-stabilized frequency-doubled Nd: YAG lasers at the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures
S Picard, L Robertsson, LS Ma, K Nyholm, M Merimaa, TE Ahola, ...
Applied Optics 42 (6), 1019-1028, 2003
Nuclear and Electronic g-Factors of 211Fr, Nuclear Ground-State Spin of 207Fr and the Nuclear Single-Particle Structure in the Range 207-228Fr
C Ekström, L Robertsson, A Rosén
Physica Scripta 34 (6A), 624, 1986
Fourth international comparison of absolute gravimeters
I Marson, JE Faller, G Cerutti, P De Maria, JM Chartier, L Robertsson, ...
Metrologia 32 (3), 137, 1995
Nuclear spins and magnetic moments of some neutron-rich rubidium and cesium isotopes
C Ekström, L Robertsson, G Wannberg, J Heinemeier
Physica Scripta 19 (5-6), 516, 1979
Precision Method for Hyperfine-Structure Studies in Low-Abundance Isotopes: The Quadrupole Moment of Ca 43
P Grundevik, M Gustavsson, I Lindgren, G Olsson, L Robertsson, A Rosén, ...
Physical Review Letters 42 (23), 1528, 1979
Final report on the seventh international comparison of absolute gravimeters (ICAG 2005)
Z Jiang, O Francis, L Vitushkin, V Palinkas, A Germak, M Becker, ...
Metrologia 48 (5), 246-260, 2011
Frequency-stabilized 543 nm HeNe laser systems: a new candidate for the realization of the metre?
JM Chartier, S Fredin-Picard, L Robertsson
Optics communications 74 (1-2), 87-92, 1989
Absolute frequency measurement of molecular iodine lines at 514.7 nm, interrogated by a frequency-doubled Yb-doped fibre laser
JP Wallerand, L Robertsson, LS Ma, M Zucco
Metrologia 43 (3), 294, 2006
The BIPM laser standards at 633 nm and 532 nm simultaneously linked to the SI second using a femtosecond laser in an optical clock configuration
LS Ma, L Robertsson, S Picard, JM Chartier, H Karlsson, E Prieto, ...
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 52 (2), 232-235, 2003
International comparison of iodine-stabilized helium-neon lasers at λ= 633 nm involving seven laboratories
JM Chartier, L Robertsson, M Sommer, J Tschirnich, V Navratil, R Gata, ...
Metrologia 28 (1), 19, 1991
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