Richard S. Isaacson, M.D.
Richard S. Isaacson, M.D.
Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Florida
Підтверджена електронна адреса в indflorida.org - Домашня сторінка
Diagnosis of early Alzheimer's disease: clinical practice in 2021
AP Porsteinsson, RS Isaacson, S Knox, MN Sabbagh, I Rubino
The journal of prevention of Alzheimer's disease 8 (3), 371-386, 2021
A commonly carried allele of the obesity-related FTO gene is associated with reduced brain volume in the healthy elderly
AJ Ho, JL Stein, X Hua, S Lee, DP Hibar, AD Leow, ID Dinov, AW Toga, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (18), 8404-8409, 2010
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis: an update
J Gutierrez, RS Issacson, BS Koppel
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 52 (10), 901-907, 2010
Sex differences in Alzheimer risk: Brain imaging of endocrine vs chronologic aging
L Mosconi, V Berti, C Quinn, P McHugh, G Petrongolo, I Varsavsky, ...
Neurology 89 (13), 1382-1390, 2017
Female sex and Alzheimer’s risk: the menopause connection
O Scheyer, A Rahman, H Hristov, C Berkowitz, RS Isaacson, ...
The journal of prevention of Alzheimer's disease 5, 225-230, 2018
Subregional neuroanatomical change as a biomarker for Alzheimer's disease
D Holland, JB Brewer, DJ Hagler, C Fennema-Notestine, AM Dale, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (49), 20954-20959, 2009
Mediterranean diet and 3-year Alzheimer brain biomarker changes in middle-aged adults
V Berti, M Walters, J Sterling, CG Quinn, M Logue, R Andrews, ...
Neurology 90 (20), e1789-e1798, 2018
Alzheimer's disease
C Oboudiyat, H Glazer, A Seifan, C Greer, RS Isaacson
Seminars in neurology 33 (04), 313-329, 2013
Increased Alzheimer's risk during the menopause transition: a 3-year longitudinal brain imaging study
L Mosconi, A Rahman, I Diaz, X Wu, O Scheyer, HW Hristov, ...
PloS one 13 (12), e0207885, 2018
Menopause impacts human brain structure, connectivity, energy metabolism, and amyloid-beta deposition
L Mosconi, V Berti, J Dyke, E Schelbaum, S Jett, L Loughlin, G Jang, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 10867, 2021
Sex and gender driven modifiers of Alzheimer’s: the role for estrogenic control across age, race, medical, and lifestyle risks
A Rahman, H Jackson, H Hristov, RS Isaacson, N Saif, T Shetty, O Etingin, ...
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 11, 315, 2019
Perimenopause and emergence of an Alzheimer’s bioenergetic phenotype in brain and periphery
L Mosconi, V Berti, C Guyara-Quinn, P McHugh, G Petrongolo, RS Osorio, ...
PloS one 12 (10), e0185926, 2017
Sex-driven modifiers of Alzheimer risk: a multimodality brain imaging study
A Rahman, E Schelbaum, K Hoffman, I Diaz, H Hristov, R Andrews, S Jett, ...
Neurology 95 (2), e166-e178, 2020
Sex-dependent association of common variants of microcephaly genes with brain structure
LM Rimol, I Agartz, S Djurovic, AA Brown, JC Roddey, AK Kähler, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (1), 384-388, 2010
Early life epidemiology of Alzheimer's disease-a critical review
A Seifan, M Schelke, Y Obeng-Aduasare, R Isaacson
Neuroepidemiology 45 (4), 237-254, 2015
Cognitive profiles in Alzheimer’s disease and in mild cognitive impairment of different etiologies
DA Loewenstein, A Acevedo, J Agron, R Issacson, S Strauman, E Crocco, ...
Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 21 (5-6), 309-315, 2006
A practical algorithm for managing Alzheimer's disease: what, when, and why?
JL Cummings, RS Isaacson, FA Schmitt, DM Velting
Annals of clinical and translational neurology 2 (3), 307-323, 2015
The clinical practice of risk reduction for Alzheimer's disease: a precision medicine approach
RS Isaacson, CA Ganzer, H Hristov, K Hackett, E Caesar, R Cohen, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 14 (12), 1663-1673, 2018
Therapeutic Potential of TNF-α Inhibition for Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention
N Torres-Acosta, JH O’Keefe, EL O’Keefe, R Isaacson, G Small
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 78 (2), 619-626, 2020
Lifestyle and vascular risk effects on MRI-based biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease: a cross-sectional study of middle-aged adults from the broader New York City area
L Mosconi, M Walters, J Sterling, C Quinn, P McHugh, RE Andrews, ...
BMJ open 8 (3), e019362, 2018
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