Joel E. Correia
Joel E. Correia
Assistant Professor, Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Department, Colorado State University
Підтверджена електронна адреса в colostate.edu - Домашня сторінка
Soy states: resource politics, violent environments and soybean territorialization in Paraguay
JE Correia
The Journal of Peasant Studies 46 (2), 316-336, 2019
Unsettling territory
JE Correia
Journal of Latin American Geography 18 (1), 11-37, 2019
Indigenous rights at a crossroads: Territorial struggles, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and legal geographies of liminality
JE Correia
Geoforum 97, 73-83, 2018
Between flood and drought: Environmental racism, settler waterscapes, and Indigenous water justice in South America’s Chaco
JE Correia
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 112 (7), 1890-1910, 2022
Reworking recognition: Indigeneity, land rights, and the dialectics of disruption in Paraguay’s Chaco
JE Correia
Geoforum 119, 227-237, 2021
Disrupting the patrón: Indigenous land rights and the fight for environmental justice in Paraguay's Chaco
JE Correia
Univ of California Press, 2023
Adjudication and its aftereffects in three Inter-American court cases brought against Paraguay: Indigenous land rights
JE Correia
Erasmus L. Rev. 11, 43, 2018
Strategic litigation impacts: Indigenous peoples’ land rights
J Gilbert
Strategic Litigation Impacts: Indigenous Peoples’ Land Rights, Open Society …, 2017
A political ecology of jurisdictional REDD+: investigating social-environmentalism, climate change mitigation, and environmental (in) justice in the Brazilian Amazon
MSR da Silva, J Correia
Journal of Political Ecology 29 (1), 123-142, 2022
Territories of Latin American Geography
JE Correia
Journal of Latin American Geography 19 (1), 132-140, 2020
Arrested infrastructure: Roadwork, rights, racialized geographies
JE Correia
Roadsides 2, 14-24, 2019
All the land was stolen: investigating the aporia of justice through countertopographies of Indigenous land rights and settler colonialism across the Americas
JE Correia
Handbook on Space, Place and Law, 38-48, 2021
*Infrastructures of settler colonialism: Geographies of violence, Indigenous labor, and marginal resistance in Paraguay’s Chaco.
J Correia
Re-imagining the Gran Chaco: Contemporary Perspectives on Identities …, 2021
Fifty Years of Fieldwork in Latin America
R Bein, R Wilkie, WG Lovell, B Doolittle, J Biles, K Offen, M Taylor, ...
Journal of Latin American Geography 19 (1), 115-131, 2020
How the Global Land “Rush”(Re) produces Slow Violence on Latin America’s Resource Frontiers
JE Correia
Assembling a rich and diverse set of scholarly contributions, the handbook …, 2023
Life in the Gap Indigeneity, Dispossession, and Land Rights in the Paraguayan Chaco
JE Correia
University of Colorado at Boulder, 2017
Amazonian conservation across archipelagos of Indigenous territories
MS Esbach, JE Correia, G Valdivia, F Lu
Conservation Biology, e14407, 2024
Land matters: how Indigenous land restitution can inform loss and damage policy and chart a path toward an otherwise climate justice
JE Correia
Climate and Development 16 (9), 811-825, 2024
Geographies of Latin American social-environmental movements: Defending territories and lifeways in the face of violent extractivism
JE Correia
The Routledge handbook of environmental movements, 63-79, 2022
Book Review: Limits to Decolonization: Indigeneity, Territory, and Hydrocarbon Politics in the Bolivian Chaco
JE Correia, C McEwan, J Bryan, P Anthias
Human geography. 12 (3), 2019
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