Qing K. Wang
Qing K. Wang
Підтверджена електронна адреса в hust.edu.cn
Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)1
DJ Klionsky, AK Abdel-Aziz, S Abdelfatah, M Abdellatif, A Abdoli, S Abel, ...
autophagy 17 (1), 1-382, 2021
Genetic basis and molecular mechanism for idiopathic ventricular fibrillation
Q Chen, GE Kirsch, D Zhang, R Brugada, J Brugada, P Brugada, ...
Nature 392 (6673), 293-296, 1998
Positional cloning of a novel potassium channel gene: KVLQT1 mutations cause cardiac arrhythmias
Q Wang, ME Curran, I Splawski, TC Burn, JM Millholland, TJ VanRaay, ...
Nature genetics 12 (1), 17-23, 1996
SCN5A mutations associated with an inherited cardiac arrhythmia, long QT syndrome
Q Wang, J Shen, I Splawski, D Atkinson, Z Li, JL Robinson, AJ Moss, ...
Cell 80 (5), 805-811, 1995
Calcium-sensitive potassium channelopathy in human epilepsy and paroxysmal movement disorder
W Du, JF Bautista, H Yang, A Diez-Sampedro, SA You, L Wang, P Kotagal, ...
Nature genetics 37 (7), 733-738, 2005
Spectrum of ST-T–wave patterns and repolarization parameters in congenital long-QT syndrome: ECG findings identify genotypes
L Zhang, KW Timothy, GM Vincent, MH Lehmann, J Fox, LC Giuli, J Shen, ...
Circulation 102 (23), 2849-2855, 2000
KCNE1 mutations cause Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome
E Schulze-Bahr, Q Wang, H Wedekind, W Haverkamp, Q Chen, Y Sun, ...
Nature genetics 17 (3), 267-268, 1997
Human intracellular ISG15 prevents interferon-α/β over-amplification and auto-inflammation
X Zhang, D Bogunovic, B Payelle-Brogard, V Francois-Newton, SD Speer, ...
Nature 517 (7532), 89-93, 2015
Mutation of MEF2A in an inherited disorder with features of coronary artery disease
L Wang, C Fan, SE Topol, EJ Topol, Q Wang
Science 302 (5650), 1578-1581, 2003
Cardiac sodium channel mutations in patients with long QT syndrome, an inherited cardiac arrhythmia
Q Wang, J Shen, Z Li, K Timothy, GM Vincent, SG Priori, PJ Schwartz, ...
Human molecular genetics 4 (9), 1603-1607, 1995
Mutations in a Human ROBO Gene Disrupt Hindbrain Axon Pathway Crossing and Morphogenesis
JC Jen, WM Chan, TM Bosley, J Wan, JR Carr, U Rüb, D Shattuck, ...
Science 304 (5676), 1509-1513, 2004
Mutations in SLC20A2 link familial idiopathic basal ganglia calcification with phosphate homeostasis
C Wang, Y Li, L Shi, J Ren, M Patti, T Wang, JRM de Oliveira, MJ Sobrido, ...
Nature genetics 44 (3), 254-256, 2012
Multiple Mechanisms of Na+ Channel– Linked Long-QT Syndrome
R Dumaine, Q Wang, MT Keating, HA Hartmann, PJ Schwartz, AM Brown, ...
Circulation research 78 (5), 916-924, 1996
Genomic Organization of the HumanSCN5AGene Encoding the Cardiac Sodium Channel
Q Wang, Z Li, J Shen, MT Keating
Genomics 34 (1), 9-16, 1996
Identification of an angiogenic factor that when mutated causes susceptibility to Klippel–Trenaunay syndrome
XL Tian, R Kadaba, SA You, M Liu, AA Timur, L Yang, Q Chen, ...
Nature 427 (6975), 640-645, 2004
Mutation in nuclear pore component NUP155 leads to atrial fibrillation and early sudden cardiac death
X Zhang, S Chen, S Yoo, S Chakrabarti, T Zhang, T Ke, C Oberti, SL Yong, ...
Cell 135 (6), 1017-1027, 2008
Genome-wide association identifies a susceptibility locus for coronary artery disease in the Chinese Han population
F Wang, CQ Xu, Q He, JP Cai, XC Li, D Wang, X Xiong, YH Liao, QT Zeng, ...
Nature genetics 43 (4), 345-349, 2011
Premature myocardial infarction novel susceptibility locus on chromosome 1P34-36 identified by genomewide linkage analysis
Q Wang, S Rao, GQ Shen, L Li, DJ Moliterno, LK Newby, WJ Rogers, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 74 (2), 262-271, 2004
Genomewide linkage scan identifies a novel susceptibility locus for restless legs syndrome on chromosome 9p
S Chen, WG Ondo, S Rao, L Li, Q Chen, Q Wang
The American Journal of Human Genetics 74 (5), 876-885, 2004
Molecular genetics of coronary artery disease
Q Wang
Current opinion in cardiology 20 (3), 182-188, 2005
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