Thomas Wallner
Thomas Wallner
Підтверджена електронна адреса в anl.gov
Hydrogen-fueled internal combustion engines
S Verhelst, T Wallner
Progress in energy and combustion science 35 (6), 490-527, 2009
A comparison of ethanol and butanol as oxygenates using a direct-injection, spark-ignition engine
T Wallner, SA Miers, S McConnell
The potential of hydrogen internal combustion engines in a future mobility scenario
H Eichlseder, T Wallner, R Freymann, J Ringler
SAE Technical Paper, 2003
Fuel economy and emissions evaluation of BMW Hydrogen 7 Mono-Fuel demonstration vehicles
T Wallner, H Lohse-Busch, S Gurski, M Duoba, W Thiel, D Martin, T Korn
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33 (24), 7607-7618, 2008
H2-direct injection–a highly promising combustion concept
A Wimmer, T Wallner, J Ringler, F Gerbig
SAE technical paper, 2005
Study of regulated and non-regulated emissions from combustion of gasoline, alcohol fuels and their blends in a DI-SI engine
T Wallner, R Frazee
SAE Technical Paper, 2010
Correlation between speciated hydrocarbon emissions and flame ionization detector response for gasoline/alcohol blends
T Wallner
Automotive fuel cell stack and system efficiency and fuel consumption based on vehicle testing on a chassis dynamometer at minus 18 C to positive 35 C temperatures
H Lohse-Busch, K Stutenberg, M Duoba, X Liu, A Elgowainy, M Wang, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45 (1), 861-872, 2020
Mixture formation in direct injection hydrogen engines: CFD and optical analysis of single-and multi-hole nozzles
R Scarcelli, T Wallner, N Matthias, V Salazar, S Kaiser
SAE International Journal of engines 4 (2), 2361-2375, 2011
A hydrogen direct injection engine concept that exceeds US DOE light-duty efficiency targets
NS Matthias, T Wallner, R Scarcelli
SAE International Journal of Engines 5 (3), 838-849, 2012
Evaluation of injector location and nozzle design in a direct-injection hydrogen research engine
T Wallner, AM Nande, J Naber
SAE Technical Paper, 2008
Drive cycle analysis of butanol/diesel blends in a light-duty vehicle
SA Miers, RW Carlson, SS McConnell, HK Ng, T Wallner, JLF Esper
SAE Technical Paper, 2008
Performance, efficiency and emissions assessment of natural gas direct injection compared to gasoline and natural gas port-fuel injection in an automotive engine
J Sevik, M Pamminger, T Wallner, R Scarcelli, R Reese, A Iqbal, B Boyer, ...
SAE International Journal of Engines 9 (2), 1130-1142, 2016
Assessment of multiple injection strategies in a direct-injection hydrogen research engine
T Wallner, R Scarcelli, AM Nande, JD Naber
SAE International Journal of Engines 2 (1), 1701-1709, 2009
Combustion behavior of gasoline and gasoline/ethanol blends in a modern direct-injection 4-cylinder engine
T Wallner, SA Miers
SAE Technical Paper, 2008
Development of dual-fuel low temperature combustion strategy in a multi-cylinder heavy-duty compression ignition engine using conventional and alternative fuels
Y Zhang, I Sagalovich, W De Ojeda, A Ickes, T Wallner, DD Wickman
SAE International Journal of Engines 6 (3), 1481-1489, 2013
Experimental investigation of a DISI production engine fuelled with methanol, ethanol, butanol, and iso-stoichiometric alcohol blends
L Sileghem, A Ickes, T Wallner, S Verhelst
Argonne National Lab.(ANL), Argonne, IL (United States), 2015
Update on the progress of hydrogen-fueled internal combustion engines
S Verhelst, J Demuynck, R Sierens, R Scarcelli, NS Matthias, T Wallner
Renewable hydrogen technologies: production, purification, storage …, 2013
Influence of water injection on performance and emissions of a direct-injection hydrogen research engine
AM Nande, T Wallner, J Naber
SAE Technical Paper, 2008
Numerical and optical evolution of gaseous jets in direct injection hydrogen engines
R Scarcelli, T Wallner, N Matthias, V Salazar, S Kaiser
SAE Technical Paper, 2011
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