Stanley P. Sander
Stanley P. Sander
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Підтверджена електронна адреса в jpl.nasa.gov - Домашня сторінка
Tables of rate constants extracted from chemical kinetics and photochemical data for use in stratospheric modeling. Evaluation number 7
WB DeMore, JJ Margitan, MJ Molina, RT Watson, DM Golden, ...
International journal of chemical kinetics 17 (10), 1135-1151, 1985
Chemical kinetics and photochemical data for use in atmospheric studies evaluation number 15
SP Sander, RR Friedl, DM Golden, MJ Kurylo, GK Moortgat, PH Wine, ...
Chemical kinetics and photochemical data for use in atmospheric studies: evaluation number 18
JB Burkholder, SP Sander, JPD Abbatt, JR Barker, RE Huie, CE Kolb, ...
Pasadena, CA: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Aeronautics and Space …, 2015
The orbiting carbon observatory (OCO) mission
D Crisp, RM Atlas, FM Breon, LR Brown, JP Burrows, P Ciais, BJ Connor, ...
Advances in Space Research 34 (4), 700-709, 2004
Chemical kinetics and photochemical data for use in stratospheric modeling evaluation Number 8
WB DeMore, MJ Molina, SP Sander, DM Golden, RF Hampson, MJ Kurylo, ...
Importance of rain evaporation and continental convection in the tropical water cycle
J Worden, D Noone, K Bowman
Nature 445 (7127), 528-532, 2007
Atmospheric bromine and ozone perturbations in the lower stratosphere
YL Yung, JP Pinto, RT Watson, SP Sander
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 37 (2), 339-353, 1980
Precision requirements for space‐based data
CE Miller, D Crisp, PL DeCola, SC Olsen, JT Randerson, AM Michalak, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (D10), 2007
Background levels of methane in Mars’ atmosphere show strong seasonal variations
CR Webster, PR Mahaffy, SK Atreya, JE Moores, GJ Flesch, C Malespin, ...
Science 360 (6393), 1093-1096, 2018
Assessing the impact on global climate from general anesthetic gases
MPS Andersen, OJ Nielsen, TJ Wallington, B Karpichev, SP Sander
Anesthesia & Analgesia 114 (5), 1081-1085, 2012
Validation of Ozone Monitoring Instrument nitrogen dioxide columns
EA Celarier, EJ Brinksma, JF Gleason, JP Veefkind, A Cede, JR Herman, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 113 (D15), 2008
Inhalation anaesthetics and climate change
MP Sulbaek Andersen, SP Sander, OJ Nielsen, DS Wagner, TJ Sanford Jr, ...
British journal of anaesthesia 105 (6), 760-766, 2010
Chemical kinetics and photochemical data for use in atmospheric studies, evaluation no. 18
JB Burkholder, SP Sander, J Abbatt, JR Barker, RE Huie, CE Kolb, ...
JPL publication 15 (10), 2015
Rate of formation of the ClO dimer in the polar stratosphere: Implications for ozone loss
SP Sander, RR Friedl, YL Yung
Science 245 (4922), 1095-1098, 1989
Kinetics and mechanism of hydroperoxo and hydroperoxo-d disproportionations
CC Kircher, SP Sander
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 88 (10), 2082-2091, 1984
Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer observations of the tropospheric HDO/H2O ratio: Estimation approach and characterization
J Worden, K Bowman, D Noone, R Beer, S Clough, A Eldering, B Fisher, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111 (D16), 2006
Estimating the climate significance of halogen-driven ozone loss in the tropical marine troposphere
A Saiz-Lopez, JF Lamarque, DE Kinnison, S Tilmes, C Ordóñez, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (9), 3939-3949, 2012
The rotational spectrum and structure of chlorine peroxide
M Birk, RR Friedl, EA Cohen, HM Pickett, SP Sander
The Journal of chemical physics 91 (11), 6588-6597, 1989
Atmospheric chemistry of isoflurane, desflurane, and sevoflurane: kinetics and mechanisms of reactions with chlorine atoms and OH radicals and global warming potentials
MP Sulbaek Andersen, OJ Nielsen, B Karpichev, TJ Wallington, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 116 (24), 5806-5820, 2012
Rate of gas phase association of hydroxyl radical and nitrogen dioxide
AK Mollner, S Valluvadasan, L Feng, MK Sprague, M Okumura, ...
Science 330 (6004), 646-649, 2010
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