Tore Kristian Aune
Tore Kristian Aune
Professor in Sport and Human Movement Sceince
Підтверджена електронна адреса в nord.no - Домашня сторінка
Resilience as a predictor of depressive symptoms: a correlational study with young adolescents
O Hjemdal, T Aune, T Reinfjell, TC Stiles, O Friborg
Clinical child psychology and psychiatry 12 (1), 91-104, 2007
Comparison of oral and intraperitoneal toxicity of yessotoxin towards mice
T Aune, R Sørby, T Yasumoto, H Ramstad, T Landsverk
Toxicon 40 (1), 77-82, 2002
First evidence of an extensive northern European distribution of azaspiracid poisoning (AZP) toxins in shellfish
KJ James, A Furey, M Lehane, H Ramstad, T Aune, P Hovgaard, S Morris, ...
Toxicon 40 (7), 909-915, 2002
Technological, hygienic and toxicological aspects of carbon monoxide used in modified-atmosphere packaging of meat
O Sørheim, T Aune, T Nesbakken
Trends in Food Science & Technology 8 (9), 307-312, 1997
Paralytic and diarrhoeic shellfish poisons: occurrence in Europe, toxicity, analysis and regulation.
HP Van Egmond, T Aune, P Lassus, GJA Speijers, M Waldock
Sensitive detection of apoptogenic toxins in suspension cultures of rat and salmon hepatocytes
KE Fladmark, MH Serres, NL Larsen, T Yasumoto, T Aune, SO DØskeland
Toxicon 36 (8), 1101-1114, 1998
Detection and identification of spirolides in Norwegian shellfish and plankton
J Aasen, SL MacKinnon, P LeBlanc, JA Walter, P Hovgaard, T Aune, ...
Chemical research in toxicology 18 (3), 509-515, 2005
Relative toxicity of dinophysistoxin-2 (DTX-2) compared with okadaic acid, based on acute intraperitoneal toxicity in mice
T Aune, S Larsen, JAB Aasen, N Rehmann, M Satake, P Hess
Toxicon 49 (1), 1-7, 2007
Yessotoxins in Norwegian blue mussels (Mytilus edulis): uptake from Protoceratium reticulatum, metabolism and depuration
J Aasen, IA Samdal, CO Miles, E Dahl, LR Briggs, T Aune
Toxicon 45 (3), 265-272, 2005
Universal-based prevention of syndromal and subsyndromal social anxiety: A randomized controlled study.
T Aune, TC Stiles
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 77 (5), 867, 2009
Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning
T Aune, M Yndestad
Algal toxins in seafood and drinking water, 87-104, 1993
A randomized controlled trial of individual cognitive therapy, group cognitive behaviour therapy and attentional placebo for adolescent social phobia
JM Ingul, T Aune, HM Nordahl
Psychotherapy and psychosomatics 83 (1), 54-61, 2013
Tissue distribution, effects of cooking and parameters affecting the extraction of azaspiracids from mussels, Mytilus edulis, prior to analysis by liquid chromatography coupled …
P Hess, L Nguyen, J Aasen, M Keogh, J Kilcoyne, P McCarron, T Aune
Toxicon 46 (1), 62-71, 2005
Effect of physical fatigue on motor control at different skill levels
TK Aune, RP Ingvaldsen, GJC Ettema
Perceptual and motor skills 106 (2), 371-386, 2008
Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning by okadaic acid esters from Brown crabs (Cancer pagurus) in Norway
T Torgersen, J Aasen, T Aune
Toxicon 46 (5), 572-578, 2005
Disastrous bloom of Chrysochromulina polylepis (Prymnesiophyceae) in Norwegian coastal waters 1988 - mortalities in marine biota.
B Underdal, OM Skulberg, E Dahl, T Aune
Three Rs Approaches in Marine Biotoxin Testing: The Report and Recommendations of a joint ECVAM/DG SANCO Workshop (ECVAM Workshop 55), ,
P Hess, B Grune, DB Anderson, T Aune, LM Botana, P Caricato, ...
Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 34 (2), 193-224, 2006
Discovery of fatty acid ester metabolites of spirolide toxins in mussels from Norway using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry
JAB Aasen, W Hardstaff, T Aune, MA Quilliam
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry: An International Journal Devoted …, 2006
High prevalence of antibodies to the 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus in the Norwegian population following a major epidemic and a large vaccination campaign in autumn 2009
K Waalen, A Kilander, SG Dudman, GH Krogh, T Aune, O Hungnes
Euro Surveill 15 (31), 19633, 2010
Monthly variations in diarrhetic toxins and yessotoxin in shellfish from coast to the inner part of the Sognefjord, Norway
H Ramstad, P Hovgaard, T Yasumoto, S Larsen, T Aune
Toxicon 39 (7), 1035-1043, 2001
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