Charitha Rangana Dissanayaka
Charitha Rangana Dissanayaka
Підтверджена електронна адреса в uom.lk
Integration of Eco‑DRR and hybrid defense system on mitigation of natural disasters (Tsunami and Coastal Flooding): a review
TLCV K.D.C.R. Dissanayaka, Norio Tanaka
Natural Hazards, 28, 2021
Long-term precipitation trends and climate extremes in the Kelani River basin, Sri Lanka, and their impact on streamflow variability under climate change
K Dissanayaka, R Rajapakse
Paddy and Water Environment 17 (2), 281-289, 2019
Crop coefficient, reference crop evapotranspiration and water demand of dry‐season Boro rice as affected by climate variability: A case study from northeast Bangladesh
MA Rahman, M Ali, MA Mojid, N Anjum, ME Haq, A Kainose, ...
Irrigation and Drainage 72 (1), 148-165, 2023
Climate extremes and precipitation trends in Kelani river basin, Sri Lanka and impacts on streamflow variability under climate change
K Dissanayaka, R Rajapakse
The Proceedings of The International Conference on Climate Change 2 (2), 1-17, 2018
Effect of orientation and vegetation over the embankment crest for energy reduction at downstream
KDCR Dissanayaka, N Tanaka, MK Hasan
Geosciences 12 (10), 354, 2022
Numerical simulation of flow over a coastal embankment and validation of the nappe flow impinging jet
K Dissanayaka, N Tanaka, MK Hasan
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 10 (1), 777-798, 2024
Scour around the single emergent cylinder due to subcritical and supercritical approach flow conditions
K Dissanayaka, N Tanaka
ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 29 (sup1), 227-242, 2023
Comparison of the flow around circular and rectangular emergent cylinders with subcritical and supercritical conditions
KDCR Dissanayaka, N Tanaka
Fluids 8 (4), 124, 2023
Numerical modeling and validation of dike-induced water flow dynamics using OpenFOAM
S Iqbal, K Dissanayaka, N Tanaka
ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 30 (5), 559-573, 2024
Fluid Force Reduction and Flow Structure at a Coastal Building with Different Outer Frame Openings Following Primary Defensive Alternatives: An Experiment-Based Review
KDCR Dissanayaka, N Tanaka
Geosciences 14 (11), 287, 2024
KDCR Dissanayaka &
R Rajapakse
Paddy Water Environ 17, 281-289, 2019
Analytical and Numerical Validation of the Drop Length of Nappe Flow
K Dissanayaka, N Tanaka, MK Hasan
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