Stephen E. Lanivich
Stephen E. Lanivich
Підтверджена електронна адреса в Memphis.edu
Are you interested? A meta-analysis of relations between vocational interests and employee performance and turnover
CH Van Iddekinge, PL Roth, DJ Putka, SE Lanivich
Journal of Applied Psychology 96 (6), 1167, 2011
Social media for selection? Validity and adverse impact potential of a Facebook-based assessment
CH Van Iddekinge, SE Lanivich, PL Roth, E Junco
Journal of Management 42 (7), 1811-1835, 2016
The RICH entrepreneur: Using conservation of resources theory in contexts of uncertainty
SE Lanivich
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 39 (4), 863-894, 2015
ADHD-related neurodiversity and the entrepreneurial mindset
CB Moore, NH McIntyre, SE Lanivich
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 45 (1), 64-91, 2021
What’s on job seekers’ social media sites? A content analysis and effects of structure on recruiter judgments and predictive validity.
L Zhang, CH Van Iddekinge, JD Arnold, PL Roth, F Lievens, SE Lanivich, ...
Journal of Applied Psychology 105 (12), 1530, 2020
Advancing entrepreneurial alertness: Review, synthesis, and future research directions
SE Lanivich, A Smith, L Levasseur, RJ Pidduck, L Busenitz, J Tang
Journal of Business Research 139, 1165-1176, 2022
PE Fit as moderator of the accountability–employee reactions relationships: Convergent results across two samples
SE Lanivich, JR Brees, WA Hochwarter, GR Ferris
Journal of Vocational Behavior 77 (3), 425-436, 2010
RICH with well-being: An entrepreneurial mindset for thriving in early-stage entrepreneurship
SE Lanivich, A Bennett, S Kessler, N McIntyre, A Smith
Journal of Business Research 124 (1), 571-580, 2021
Accountability for others, perceived resources, and well being: Convergent restricted non‐linear results in two samples
KL Zellars, WA Hochwarter, SE Lanivich, PL Perrewé, GR Ferris
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 84 (1), 95-115, 2011
A Set‐Theoretic Investigation into the Origins of Creation and Discovery Opportunities
AW Smith, K Moghaddam, SE Lanivich
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 13 (1), 75-92, 2019
Resource configurations for new family venture growth
MR Mallon, SE Lanivich, RL Klinger
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 24 (2), 521-537, 2018
Assessing value differences between leaders of two social venture types: Benefit corporations and nonprofit organizations
K Miller-Stevens, JA Taylor, JC Morris, SE Lanivich
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 29 …, 2018
Temporal orientation as a robust predictor of innovation
TS Barreto, SE Lanivich, KC Cox
Journal of Business Research 138, 287-300, 2022
Nascent entrepreneur characteristic predictors of early-stage entrepreneurship outcomes
SE Lanivich, LM Lyons, AR Wheeler
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 28 (7), 1095-1116, 2021
Investigating the impact of religiosity on entrepreneurial intentions
N McIntyre, ES Quaye, T Anning-Dorson, S Lanivich, S Adomako
Journal of Business Research 156, 113528, 2023
Filling institutional voids: Combinative effects of institutional shortcomings and gender on the alertness–Opportunity recognition relationship
J Franczak, SE Lanivich, S Adomako
Journal of Business Research 155, 113444, 2023
Timing matters: When high-performance work practices enable new venture growth and productivity retracted
DS DeGeest, EH Follmer, SE Lanivich
Journal of management 44 (4), NP6-NP33, 2018
Appraisals matter: relationships between entrepreneurs' stress appraisals and venture-based outcomes
AA Bennett, SE Lanivich, MMM Gharagozloo, Y Akbulut
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 27 (4), 970-988, 2021
Use the RICH: Development and validation of the resource-induced coping heuristic inventory for entrepreneurship
SE Lanivich
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 31 (6), 3, 2011
Juggling act: Waged time investments and the health–wealth trade-off
NA Mmbaga, MP Lerman, TP Munyon, SE Lanivich
Journal of Business Research 158, 113695, 2023
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