Paul Sanders
Paul Sanders
Підтверджена електронна адреса в deakin.edu.au - Домашня сторінка
City information modelling (CIM) and digitizing urban design practices
T Stojanovski, J Partanen, I Samuels, P Sanders, C Peters
Built Environment 46 (4), 637-646, 2020
Social networks in inner-city apartment complexes and the implications for the residential architecture of public space
M Foth, P Sanders
Digital Cities: the augmented public space, 33-43, 2005
Applying urban morphology theory to design practice
P Sanders, D Baker
Journal of urban design 21 (2), 213-233, 2016
Morphogenetic analysis of architectural elements within the townscape
P Sanders, S Woodward
Urban Morphology 19 (1), 5-24, 2015
BIM-enabled virtual reality (VR)-based pedagogical framework in architectural design studios
A Hajirasouli, S Banihashemi, P Sanders, F Rahimian
Smart and Sustainable Built Environment 13 (6), 1490-1510, 2024
Impacts of social computing on the architecture of urban spaces
M Foth, P Sanders
Augmented Urban Spaces, 73-91, 2016
Is digital technology urban? Understanding intermetropolitan digital divides in South Africa
N Odendaal, J Duminy, P Saunders
Proceedings of the 20th Australasian conference on computer-human …, 2008
Presenting the past: the impact of urban morphology in shaping the form of the city
P Sanders
Conference papers ACSP-AESOP Fourth Joint Congress Bridging the divide …, 2008
Dichotomies of urban change in Durban
M Nomico, P Sanders
Urban Design International 8, 207-222, 2003
Towards consonance in urban form P. Sanders
P Sanders
Urban Morphology 17 (2), 116-118, 2013
Rethinking computer-aided architectural design (CAAD)–from generative algorithms and architectural intelligence to environmental design and ambient intelligence
T Stojanovski, H Zhang, E Frid, K Chhatre, C Peters, I Samuels, ...
International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures, 62-83, 2021
The genealogy of urban form: Brisbane case study
P Sanders, N Schroder
Conference Papers: Proceedings of The Subtropical Cities 2008, Brisbane-From …, 2008
Morphological design control for large-scale city development: a new proposal
T Hall, P Sanders
Built Environment 37 (4), 427-444, 2011
Designing together: A collaborative experiment in design methodology within a multi-disciplinary environment
D Smith, P Sanders, N Demirbilek, A Scott
Refereed Proceedings of the Third International conference of the …, 2005
The modern movement architecture of four South African cities.
R Fisher, H Le Roux, N Murray, P Sanders
Docomomo Journal, 2003
Daylighting performance of subtropical multi-residential towers: simulations tools for design decisions
V Garcia Hansen, R Kennedy, P Sanders, A Varendorff
Proceedings of the 28th International PLEA Conference: Opportunities, limits …, 2012
Veracity of the archive: A research approach to the collection and verification of urban morphological records using qualitative data analysis software
PS Sanders, SA Woodward
Journal of Map & Geography Libraries 10 (2), 173-203, 2014
Urban Form at the Edge: Proceedings from ISUF 2013. Vol. 2.
P Sanders, M Guaralda, L Carroli
Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Creative Industries Faculty, 2016
The rediscovery of traditional urbanism at Melrose Arch
P Sanders
Architecture South Africa: journal of the South African Institute of …, 2001
Defining a relevant architecture in South Africa
P Sanders
arq: Architectural Research Quarterly 4 (1), 67-80, 2000
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