Duc Phan, Ph.D.
Duc Phan, Ph.D.
Інші іменаDuc Cong Phan, Cong Duc Phan, Duc C. Phan
USDA-ARS U.S. Salinity Laboratory/ University of California, Riverside
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Real-time Quantitative PCR Measurements of Fecal Indicator Bacteria and Human-associated Source Tracking Markers in a Texas River following Hurricane Harvey
Vikram Kapoor, Indrani Gupta, A.B.M. Tanvir Pasha, Duc Phan
Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2018
Synergistic co-digestion of wastewater grown algae-bacteria polyculture biomass and cellulose to optimize carbon-to-nitrogen ratio and application of kinetic models to predict …
P Bohutskyi, D Phan, AM Kopachevsky, S Chow, EJ Bouwer, ...
Bioresource technology 269, 210-220, 2018
Determining the primary sources of fecal pollution using microbial source tracking assays combined with land-use information in the Edwards Aquifer
J Hinojosa, J Green, F Estrada, J Herrera, T Mata, D Phan, ABMT Pasha, ...
Water Research, 2020
Co-digestion of wastewater-grown filamentous algae with sewage sludge improves biomethane production and energy balance compared to thermal, chemical, or thermochemical …
P Bohutskyi, TA Keller, D Phan, ML Parris, M Li, L Richardson, ...
Frontiers in Energy Research 7, 47, 2019
Production of lipid-containing algal-bacterial polyculture in wastewater and biomethanation of lipid extracted residues: Enhancing methane yield through hydrothermal …
P Bohutskyi, D Phan, RE Spierling, AM Kopachevsky, EJ Bouwer, ...
Science of the Total Environment 653, 1377-1394, 2019
Potential reservoirs of antimicrobial resistance in livestock waste and treated wastewater that can be disseminated to agricultural land
AM Ibekwe, AS Bhattacharjee, D Phan, D Ashworth, MP Schmidt, ...
Science of The Total Environment 872, 162194, 2023
Effects of metal oxide nanoparticles on nitrification in wastewater treatment systems: A systematic review
V Kapoor, D Phan, P Tanvir
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A Toxic/Hazardous …, 2018
Biodegradability of carbon nanotube/polymer nanocomposites under aerobic mixed culture conditions
DC Phan, DG Goodwin Jr, BP Frank, EJ Bouwer, DH Fairbrother
Science of The Total Environment 639, 804-814, 2018
Assessment of concentration, recovery, and normalization of SARS-CoV-2 RNA from two wastewater treatment plants in Texas and correlation with COVID-19 cases in the community
KK Vadde, H Al-Duroobi, DC Phan, A Jafarzadeh, SV Moghadam, A Matta, ...
Acs Es&T Water 2 (11), 2060-2069, 2022
Detection of human fecal pollution in environmental waters using human mitochondrial DNA and correlation with general and human-associated fecal genetic markers
ABMT Pasha, J Hinojosa, D Phan, A Lopez, V Kapoor
Journal of Water and Health, 2020
Wastewater Surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 to Support Return to Campus: Methodological Considerations and Data Interpretation
Vikram Kapoor, Haya Al-Duroobi, Duc C.Phan, Rakhee S.Palekar, BobbyBlount ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health, 2022
Bioenergy from wastewater resources: Nutrient removal, productivity and settleability of indigenous algal-bacteria polyculture, and effect of biomass composition variability on …
Pavlo Bohutskyi, Ruth E. Spierling, Duc Phan, Anatoliy M. Kopachevsky ...
Algal Research, 2018
Tracking water with synthetic DNA tracers using droplet digital PCR
J McCluskey, ME Flores, J Hinojosa, A Jafarzadeh, SV Moghadam, ...
ACS ES&T Water 1 (5), 1177-1183, 2021
Influence of polymer type and carbon nanotube properties on carbon nanotube/polymer nanocomposite biodegradation
BP Frank, DG Goodwin Jr, P Bohutskyi, DC Phan, X Lu, L Kuwama, ...
Science of The Total Environment 742, 140512, 2020
Dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes through soil-plant-earthworm continuum in the food production environment
AS Bhattacharjee, D Phan, C Zheng, D Ashworth, M Schmidt, Y Men, ...
Environment International 183, 108374, 2024
Assessing the Impact of Flooding on Bacterial Community Structure and Occurrence of Potentially Pathogenic Bacteria in Texas Rivers after Hurricane Harvey
SV Moghadam, KK Vadde, DC Phan, A Jafarzadeh, V Kapoor
Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters, 2022
Wastewater surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 corroborates heightened community infection during the initial peak of COVID-19 in Bexar County, Texas
H Al-Duroobi, SV Moghadam, DC Phan, A Jafarzadeh, A Matta, V Kapoor
FEMS Microbes 2, 2022
Short-term effects of Mn2O3 nanoparticles on physiological activities and gene expression of nitrifying bacteria under low and high dissolved oxygen conditions
DC Phan, R Vazquez-Munoz, A Matta, V Kapoor
Chemosphere 261, 127775, 2020
Effect of zinc oxide nanoparticles on physiological activities and gene expression of wastewater nitrifying bacteria
DC Phan, ABMT Pasha, N Carwile, V Kapoor
Environmental Engineering Science 37 (5), 328-336, 2020
The Role of Quorum Sensing in the Development of Microcystis aeruginosa Blooms: Gene Expression
G Lamas-Samanamud, A Montante III, A Mertins, D Phan, C Loures, ...
Microorganisms 11 (2), 383, 2023
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