Yung-Cheol BYUN
Yung-Cheol BYUN
Підтверджена електронна адреса в jejunu.ac.kr
IoT-blockchain enabled optimized provenance system for food industry 4.0 using advanced deep learning
PW Khan, YC Byun, N Park
Sensors 20 (10), 2990, 2020
Integration of blockchain, IoT and machine learning for multistage quality control and enhancing security in smart manufacturing
Z Shahbazi, YC Byun
Sensors 21 (4), 1467, 2021
A data verification system for CCTV surveillance cameras using blockchain technology in smart cities
PW Khan, YC Byun, N Park
Electronics 9 (3), 484, 2020
SynSigGAN: Generative adversarial networks for synthetic biomedical signal generation
D Hazra, YC Byun
Biology 9 (12), 441, 2020
A blockchain-based secure image encryption scheme for the industrial Internet of Things
PW Khan, Y Byun
Entropy 22 (2), 175, 2020
A procedure for tracing supply chains for perishable food based on blockchain, machine learning and fuzzy logic
Z Shahbazi, YC Byun
Electronics 10 (1), 41, 2020
Machine learning-based approach to predict energy consumption of renewable and nonrenewable power sources
PW Khan, YC Byun, SJ Lee, DH Kang, JY Kang, HS Park
Energies 13 (18), 4870, 2020
Towards a secure thermal-energy aware routing protocol in wireless body area network based on blockchain technology
Z Shahbazi, YC Byun
Sensors 20 (12), 3604, 2020
3D CNN with Visual Insights for Early Detection of Lung Cancer Using Gradient‐Weighted Class Activation
ES Neal Joshua, D Bhattacharyya, M Chakkravarthy, YC Byun
Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2021 (1), 6695518, 2021
Blockchain-based peer-to-peer energy trading and charging payment system for electric vehicles
PW Khan, YC Byun
Sustainability 13 (14), 7962, 2021
Short-term energy forecasting using machine-learning-based ensemble voting regression
PP Phyo, YC Byun, N Park
Symmetry 14 (1), 160, 2022
Machine learning based hybrid system for imputation and efficient energy demand forecasting
PW Khan, YC Byun, SJ Lee, N Park
Energies 13 (11), 2681, 2020
Smart manufacturing real-time analysis based on blockchain and machine learning approaches
Z Shahbazi, YC Byun
Applied Sciences 11 (8), 3535, 2021
Improving transactional data system based on an edge computing–blockchain–machine learning integrated framework
Z Shahbazi, YC Byun
Processes 9 (1), 92, 2021
Toward improving the prediction accuracy of product recommendation system using extreme gradient boosting and encoding approaches
Z Shahbazi, D Hazra, S Park, YC Byun
Symmetry 12 (9), 1566, 2020
Pothole detection using machine learning
H Song, K Baek, Y Byun
Advanced Science and Technology, 151-155, 2018
Product recommendation based on content-based filtering using XGBoost classifier
Z Shahbazi, YC Byun
Int. J. Adv. Sci. Technol 29 (2019), 6979-6988, 2019
Genetic algorithm based optimized feature engineering and hybrid machine learning for effective energy consumption prediction
PW Khan, YC Byun
Ieee Access 8, 196274-196286, 2020
Fault detection of wind turbines using SCADA data and genetic algorithm-based ensemble learning
PW Khan, CY Yeun, YC Byun
Engineering Failure Analysis 148, 107209, 2023
Lightweight EfficientNetB3 model based on depthwise separable convolutions for enhancing classification of leukemia white blood cell images
A Batool, YC Byun
IEEE access 11, 37203-37215, 2023
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