Glenn Kiekens
Glenn Kiekens
Tilburg University / KU Leuven
Підтверджена електронна адреса в kuleuven.be - Домашня сторінка
Mental health problems in college freshmen: Prevalence and academic functioning
R Bruffaerts, P Mortier, G Kiekens, RP Auerbach, P Cuijpers, ...
Journal of affective disorders 225, 97-103, 2018
The prevalence of suicidal thoughts and behaviours among college students: a meta-analysis
P Mortier, P Cuijpers, G Kiekens, RP Auerbach, K Demyttenaere, ...
Psychological medicine 48 (4), 554-565, 2018
The associations between non-suicidal self-injury and first onset suicidal thoughts and behaviors
G Kiekens, P Hasking, M Boyes, L Claes, P Mortier, RP Auerbach, ...
Journal of affective disorders 239, 171-179, 2018
Suicidal thoughts and behaviors among first-year college students: results from the WMH-ICS project
P Mortier, RP Auerbach, J Alonso, J Bantjes, C Benjet, P Cuijpers, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 57 (4), 263 …, 2018
Sources of stress and their associations with mental disorders among college students: results of the world health organization world mental health surveys international …
E Karyotaki, P Cuijpers, Y Albor, J Alonso, RP Auerbach, J Bantjes, ...
Frontiers in psychology 11, 1759, 2020
Age of onset of non-suicidal self-injury in Dutch-speaking adolescents and emerging adults: An event history analysis of pooled data
A Gandhi, K Luyckx, I Baetens, G Kiekens, E Sleuwaegen, A Berens, ...
Comprehensive psychiatry 80, 170-178, 2018
Prediction of major depressive disorder onset in college students
DD Ebert, C Buntrock, P Mortier, R Auerbach, KK Weisel, RC Kessler, ...
Depression and anxiety 36 (4), 294-304, 2019
Predicting the incidence of non-suicidal self-injury in college students
G Kiekens, P Hasking, L Claes, M Boyes, P Mortier, RP Auerbach, ...
European psychiatry 59, 44-51, 2019
First onset of suicidal thoughts and behaviours in college
P Mortier, K Demyttenaere, RP Auerbach, P Cuijpers, JG Green, ...
Journal of affective disorders 207, 291-299, 2017
The DSM‐5 nonsuicidal self‐injury disorder among incoming college students: Prevalence and associations with 12‐month mental disorders and suicidal thoughts and behaviors
G Kiekens, P Hasking, L Claes, P Mortier, RP Auerbach, M Boyes, ...
Depression and anxiety 35 (7), 629-637, 2018
The impact of lifetime suicidality on academic performance in college freshmen
P Mortier, K Demyttenaere, RP Auerbach, JG Green, RC Kessler, ...
Journal of affective disorders 186, 254-260, 2015
Lifetime and 12‐month nonsuicidal self‐injury and academic performance in college freshmen
G Kiekens, L Claes, K Demyttenaere, RP Auerbach, JG Green, ...
Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior 46 (5), 563-576, 2016
What predicts ongoing nonsuicidal self-injury?: A comparison between persistent and ceased self-injury in emerging adults
G Kiekens, P Hasking, R Bruffaerts, L Claes, I Baetens, M Boyes, ...
The Journal of nervous and mental disease 205 (10), 762-770, 2017
Non-suicidal self-injury in adolescence: Longitudinal associations with psychological distress and rumination
T Buelens, K Luyckx, A Gandhi, G Kiekens, L Claes
Journal of abnormal child psychology 47, 1569-1581, 2019
Non-suicidal self-injury among Dutch and Belgian adolescents: personality, stress and coping
G Kiekens, R Bruffaerts, MK Nock, M Van de Ven, C Witteman, P Mortier, ...
European Psychiatry 30 (6), 743-749, 2015
Non-suicidal self-injury among first-year college students and its association with mental disorders: results from the World Mental Health International College Student (WMH …
G Kiekens, P Hasking, R Bruffaerts, J Alonso, RP Auerbach, J Bantjes, ...
Psychological medicine 53 (3), 875-886, 2023
Investigating the DSM-5 criteria for non-suicidal self-injury disorder in a community sample of adolescents
T Buelens, K Luyckx, G Kiekens, A Gandhi, JJ Muehlenkamp, L Claes
Journal of affective disorders 260, 314-322, 2020
Fluctuations in affective states and self-efficacy to resist non-suicidal self-injury as real-time predictors of non-suicidal self-injurious thoughts and behaviors
G Kiekens, P Hasking, MK Nock, M Boyes, O Kirtley, R Bruffaerts, ...
Frontiers in psychiatry 11, 214, 2020
Directionality of effects between non-suicidal self-injury and identity formation: A prospective study in adolescents
A Gandhi, K Luyckx, S Maitra, G Kiekens, M Verschueren, L Claes
Personality and Individual Differences 109, 124-129, 2017
Non-suicidal self-injury and adolescents attachment with peers and mother: The mediating role of identity synthesis and confusion
A Gandhi, L Claes, G Bosmans, I Baetens, TF Wilderjans, S Maitra, ...
Journal of Child and Family Studies 25, 1735-1745, 2016
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