Chetan Doddamani
Analysis of the influences of built environment measures on household car and motorcycle ownership decisions in Hubli-Dharwad cities
C Doddamani, M Manoj
Transportation 48 (6), 10242, 2021
Geographical Scale of Residential Relocation and Its Impacts on Vehicle Ownership and Travel Behavior  
C Doddamani, M Manoj, Y Maurya.
Journal of Transport Geography 94 (2), 103124, 2021
Effects of the built environment and socio-demographics on car and two-wheeler ownership levels – a case study of Dharwad city
C Doddamani, M Manoj
Transportation in Developing Economies (Springer) 7 (2), 1-13, 2021
Ant colony optimization in pavement asset management
S Gulzar, H Ali, C Doddamani
Proceedings of ASCE India conference 2017, 2017
A conceptual framework for introducing ‘mobility as a service’in india: opportunities challenges
S Gulzar, H Ali, C Doddamani
Proceedings of ASCE India conference 2017, 2017
Residential relocation and changes in household vehicle ownership and travel behavior: Exploring the context of Hubli-Dharwad twin-cities in India from a planning viewpoint
C Doddamani, M Manoj
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 164, 134-155, 2022
Comparative Analysis of Factors Influencing Types of Household Car, Motorcycle, and Bicycle Ownership in Japan
C Doddamani, T Yamamoto
104th Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, USA 2025, 2025
Analysis of household car and two-wheeler ownership considering spatial dependency
C Doddamani, P Majumder, M Manoj
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 133, 104314, 2024
Status of Electric Informal Public Transport in India
DS Sivasubramaniam, Vaishali Singh, Chetan Doddamani
https://www.itdp.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Status-of-e-IPT-in-India.pdf, 2022
A study on the effects of built environment measures on vehicle ownership and travel behavior: The context of twin cities in India
C Doddamani
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, 2022
Residential Relocation and Shopping Mode Switch Behavior: The Context of Hubli-Dharwad Cities
C Doddamani, M Manoj
101st Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, USA, 2022
Housing Tenure and Vehicle Ownership Decisions: A Case Study Of Hubli-Dharwad Twin Cities
C Doddamani, M Manoj
Proceedings of the 13th International (Online) Conference on Transportation …, 2020
Built Environment and its Influence on Mode Choice
C Doddamani, M Manoj
Tata Social Science, Mumbai the conference named Autum School on Big Data …, 2019
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