Arash Dalili
Arash Dalili
Підтверджена електронна адреса в uvic.ca
A review of sorting, separation and isolation of cells and microbeads for biomedical applications: microfluidic approaches
A Dalili, E Samiei, M Hoorfar
Analyst 144 (1), 87-113, 2019
Graphene‐coated spandex sensors embedded into silicone sheath for composites health monitoring and wearable applications
H Montazerian, A Rashidi, A Dalili, H Najjaran, AS Milani, M Hoorfar
Small 15 (17), 1804991, 2019
Piezoresistive sensing in chopped carbon fiber embedded PDMS yarns
H Montazerian, A Dalili, AS Milani, M Hoorfar
Composites Part B: Engineering 164, 648-658, 2019
Bio-macromolecular design roadmap towards tough bioadhesives
H Montazerian, E Davoodi, A Baidya, M Badv, R Haghniaz, A Dalili, ...
Chemical Society Reviews 51 (21), 9127-9173, 2022
Graphene/poly (methyl methacrylate) electrochemical impedance-transduced chemiresistor for detection of volatile organic compounds in aqueous medium
A Yavarinasab, S Janfaza, N Tasnim, H Tahmooressi, A Dalili, M Hoorfar
Analytica chimica acta 1109, 27-36, 2020
Comprehensive review of conventional and state-of-the-art detection methods of Cryptosporidium
G Luka, E Samiei, N Tasnim, A Dalili, H Najjaran, M Hoorfar
Journal of Hazardous Materials 421, 126714, 2022
Dielectrophoretic manipulation of particles on a microfluidics platform with planar tilted electrodes
A Dalili, H Montazerian, K Sakthivel, N Tasnim, M Hoorfar
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 329, 129204, 2021
Parametric study on the geometrical parameters of a lab-on-a-chip platform with tilted planar electrodes for continuous dielectrophoretic manipulation of microparticles
A Dalili, E Taatizadeh, H Tahmooressi, N Tasnim, PI Rellstab-Sánchez, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 11718, 2020
Micron-sized particle separation with standing surface acoustic wave—Experimental and numerical approaches
E Taatizadeh, A Dalili, PI Rellstab‑Sánchez, H Tahmooressi, ...
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 76, 105651, 2021
Microfluidic generation of therapeutically relevant polycaprolactone (PCL) microparticles: computational and experimental approaches
A Forigua, A Dalili, R Kirsch, SM Willerth, KS Elvira
ACS Applied Polymer Materials 4 (10), 7004-7013, 2022
Sheath‐assisted focusing of microparticles on lab‐on‐a‐chip platforms
A Dalili, A Sattati, N Tasnim, M Hoorfar
Electrophoresis 41 (24), 2188-2196, 2020
A graphene-based chemical sensor for hydrogen sulfide measurement in water
A Yavarinasab, S Janfaza, MM Montazeri, N Tasnim, AD Farahani, ...
2019 IEEE SENSORS, 1-4, 2019
Sheath‐assisted versus sheathless dielectrophoretic particle separation
A Dalili, M Hoorfar
Electrophoresis 42 (16), 1570-1577, 2021
Characterization of the electrodes of DEP-based micro-separator
A Dalili, E Taatizadeh, M Hoorfar
Nano‐Scale Particle Separation with Tilted Standing Surface Acoustic Wave: Experimental and Numerical Approaches
E Taatizadeh, A Dalili, H Tahmooressi, N Tasnim, ITS Li, M Hoorfar
Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 39 (8), 2200057, 2022
(Invited) On-Chip Characterization of Microcapsules Using a Capacitive Sensor for Microencapsulation and Single-Cell Analysis Applications
S Janfaza, S Razavi, A Dalili, M Hoorfar
Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 239, 1603-1603, 2021
Multi-size separation of particles using sheath-assisted and sheathless dielectrophoresis
A Dalili, N Tasnim, M Hoorfar
MicroTAS, 2021
Modelling of Hydrocarbon and Non-hydrocarbon Gases Viscosity by Using an Artificial Neural Networks Model
A Dalili, M Hoorfar
Proceedings of the CSME Congress 2020 3, 2020
Developing a Lob-On-a-Chip platform for manipulation and separation of microparticles
A Dalili Shoaei
The University of British Columbia, 2020
Piezoresistive Sensing in Carbon Fiber Embedded PDMS Yarns
H Montazerian, A Dalili, AS Milani, M Hoorfar
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