Jamil Hussain
Jamil Hussain
Assistant Professor Sejong University
Підтверджена електронна адреса в sejong.ac.kr
Sentiment analysis of social networking sites (SNS) data using machine learning approach for the measurement of depression
AU Hassan, J Hussain, M Hussain, M Sadiq, S Lee
2017 international conference on information and communication technology …, 2017
Model-based adaptive user interface based on context and user experience evaluation
J Hussain, A Ul Hassan, HS Muhammad Bilal, R Ali, M Afzal, S Hussain, ...
Journal on multimodal user interfaces 12, 1-16, 2018
Multiple brain tumor classification with dense CNN architecture using brain MRI images
O Özkaraca, Oİ Bağrıaçık, H Gürüler, F Khan, J Hussain, J Khan, UE Laila
Life 13 (2), 349, 2023
A multimodal deep log-based user experience (UX) platform for UX evaluation
J Hussain, WA Khan, T Hur, HSM Bilal, J Bang, AU Hassan, M Afzal, ...
Sensors 18 (5), 1622, 2018
Exploring the dominant features of social media for depression detection
J Hussain, FA Satti, M Afzal, WA Khan, HSM Bilal, MZ Ansaar, HF Ahmad, ...
Journal of Information Science 46 (6), 739-759, 2020
H2RM: a hybrid rough set reasoning model for prediction and management of diabetes mellitus
R Ali, J Hussain, MH Siddiqi, M Hussain, S Lee
Sensors 15 (7), 15921-15951, 2015
Tweets classification and sentiment analysis for personalized tweets recommendation
AM Khattak, R Batool, FA Satti, J Hussain, WA Khan, AM Khan, B Hayat
Complexity 2020 (1), 8892552, 2020
Ubiquitous Health Profile (UHPr): a big data curation platform for supporting health data interoperability
FA Satti, T Ali, J Hussain, WA Khan, AM Khattak, S Lee
Computing 102 (11), 2409-2444, 2020
EnSWF: effective features extraction and selection in conjunction with ensemble learning methods for document sentiment classification
J Khan, A Alam, J Hussain, YK Lee
Applied Intelligence 49, 3123-3145, 2019
An innovative platform for person-centric health and wellness support
O Banos, MB Amin, WA Khan, M Afzel, M Ahmad, M Ali, T Ali, R Ali, ...
Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering: Third International Conference …, 2015
SNS based predictive model for depression
J Hussain, M Ali, HSM Bilal, M Afzal, HF Ahmad, O Banos, S Lee
Inclusive Smart Cities and e-Health: 13th International Conference on Smart …, 2015
Adaptive user interface and user experience based authoring tool for recommendation systems
J Hussain, WA Khan, M Afzal, M Hussain, BH Kang, S Lee
Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence. Personalisation and User …, 2014
Multi-model-based interactive authoring environment for creating shareable medical knowledge
T Ali, M Hussain, WA Khan, M Afzal, J Hussain, R Ali, W Hassan, ...
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 150, 41-72, 2017
Knowledge-based query construction using the CDSS knowledge base for efficient evidence retrieval
M Afzal, M Hussain, T Ali, J Hussain, WA Khan, S Lee, BH Kang
Sensors 15 (9), 21294-21314, 2015
Ensemble feature ranking for cost-based non-overlapping groups: A case study of chronic kidney disease diagnosis in developing countries
SI Ali, HSM Bilal, M Hussain, J Hussain, FA Satti, M Hussain, GH Park, ...
IEEE Access 8, 215623-215648, 2020
The intelligent medical platform: a novel dialogue-based platform for health-care services
T Ali, J Hussain, MB Amin, M Hussain, U Akhtar, WA Khan, S Lee, ...
Computer 53 (2), 35-45, 2020
Clinical concept extraction with lexical semantics to support automatic annotation
A Abbas, M Afzal, J Hussain, T Ali, HSM Bilal, S Lee, S Jeon
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (20), 10564, 2021
Meaningful Information Extraction from Unstructured Clinical Documents
A Abbas, M Afzal, J Hussain, S Lee
Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Advanced Network 48, 42-47, 2019
Enhancing Accuracy in Brain Stroke Detection: Multi-Layer Perceptron with Adadelta, RMSProp and AdaMax Optimizers
M Uppal, D Gupta, S Juneja, TR Gadekallu, I El-Bayoumy, J Hussain, ...
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 11, 1257591, 2023
Intelligent knowledge consolidation: from data to wisdom
M Hussain, FA Satti, SI Ali, J Hussain, T Ali, HS Kim, KH Yoon, TC Chung, ...
Knowledge-Based Systems 234, 107578, 2021
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